Dear Parents,
As the end of term fast approaches I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the generosity and support you have shown throughout this year.
2009 has been a fantastic year for us. We had the best KS2 SATS results ever at St Mark’s and were ranked 1st in the City for Maths and Science; we also achieved our Inclusion Quality Mark and Eco Green Flag .Throughout the summer we had lots of refurbishments carried out in school. This is to name but a few of some of the exciting things which have taken place this year. These achievements are all down to hard work. I would like to thank all staff for the commitment they have shown throughout the year. Thanks to everyone.
We will continue to work hard to make 2010 just as rewarding as this year.
At the end of term we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Wharton our Year 1 Teaching Assistant. She is leaving us to join another school, where she will be working on a one to one basis with children.
We are of course sorry to see her leave, but the staff and I would like to pass our thanks for the fantastic contribution she has made to St. Mark’s and we hope she will take with her many happy memories of the time she has spent with us.
We are happy to report that Miss Dunbar who has been working with our Year 4 children will continue as their Class Teacher up until July.
We will also be welcoming Miss Jessica Lindsay at the start of our new term. She will be working as a Teaching Assistant in our Reception Class. Mrs Shaftoe will now move into Year 1 with Miss Thompson.
Thank you all for your continued support
Mrs Alison Miller
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
St Mark's Parish Church Mass Times
Christmas Eve Mass will be at 8pm
Christmas Day Mass will be at 8.30am and 10am.
Everyone is welcome.
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Christmas Performances
Car Parking
Thank You!
A big thank you to everyone involved with our Christams Fayre last Friday. A special thank you to the parents who organised so much of the afternoon- if it wasn't for them it wouldn't have been the success it was. All money raised will go towards the cost of trips for our children next term.
There are still a few raffle prices unclaimed. You can bring your ticket to the school office to check if you have won.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Performance.
Important Notice
Due to new fire safety regulations we are now greatly restricted in the number of people who can be in hte school hall at one time. This means that there is no way we could have fitted all the children are parents into the hall for the infants Nativity performance next week. The only way around the situation has been to add an extra performance date- hopefully all parents will be able to make one of he dates available. The play will be performed on Tuesday 8th December at 2pm and again on Wednesday 9th December at 2pm.
Each child will be offered two tickets for the performance, could any parents not needing all their tickets please return any spare to school as soon as possible so that we can pass them on to people who have put their names on the waiting list for more.
Due to new fire safety regulations we are now greatly restricted in the number of people who can be in hte school hall at one time. This means that there is no way we could have fitted all the children are parents into the hall for the infants Nativity performance next week. The only way around the situation has been to add an extra performance date- hopefully all parents will be able to make one of he dates available. The play will be performed on Tuesday 8th December at 2pm and again on Wednesday 9th December at 2pm.
Each child will be offered two tickets for the performance, could any parents not needing all their tickets please return any spare to school as soon as possible so that we can pass them on to people who have put their names on the waiting list for more.
Christmas Service
Our Christmas Service will this year be held in St Mark's Church, starting at 9am. Everyone connected with our school is invited to come along to what is a beautiful way to end the school term and prepare for Christmas with our families and loved ones.
Christmas Party Dates
Tuesday 15th December- Years 5 & 6
Wednesday 16th December- reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Thursday 17th December- Years 3 & 4
Children can come to school in their own party clothes on their party day. All food will be provided.
Wednesday 16th December- reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Thursday 17th December- Years 3 & 4
Children can come to school in their own party clothes on their party day. All food will be provided.
Monday Dance Club
The dance club will be cancelled next week, Monday 7th December. The final session will be on Monday 14th December when the dancers will be performing for their parents at 4pm in the hall. Parents are invited to come along at 4pm to enjoy the final dance performance.
Year 5 & 6 Nativity Play
Don't forget our Year 5 and 6s will be performing their Egyptian Nativity in the school hall on Thursday 10th December. Each child will be given two tickets each for home and we would really appreciate it if any unneeded tickets could be returned to school as soon as possible. Anyone requesting extra tickets is asked to let the class teacher know- names will be placed on a waiting list and drawn from a hat for any any tickets that have been returned. We are limited by law to the number of people we can allow into the hall, this number includes the children who are performing.
Doors open at 5.30pm, curtain raises at 6pm.
Doors open at 5.30pm, curtain raises at 6pm.
Data Collection Sheets
Can we remind parents who have not returned their data collection sheets to do so by Monday 7th December at the very latest. If you have lost forms please call in at the office and get a new set.
Morrisons Vouchers
We've had a fantastic response to our request for Morrisons vouchers- in total you've sent in over 2500 vouchers. This means we are able to send away for more gardening equipment which will be used by the children developing and maintaining our quiet garden area.
Raffle Tickets
Thank you to the parents who have already sent in their raffle ticket money for the big fayre on Friday. We would appreciate it if anyone wishing to purchase any more tickets or pay for the tickets they have could do so by Thursday at the latest. Thank you.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
After School Football
After school football for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 has finished for the year. The clubs will return next year- Mr Wood will let children know when.
Christmas Performances
Christmas Fayre
What Can A Prent Do? Sessions
Raffle Tickets
Thank you to those parents who have already sent in money for raffle tickets, should you wish to purchase more then please call into the office or give a note to your child- along with the correct money. We would be grateful if any unsold raffle books could be returned to school to be redistributed.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Shoebox Appeal
First Communions
Parents are reminded that if you wish to present your child for First Holy Communion in 2010 that you need to contact Miss Lane before Friday 20th November.
Any Catholic parent who wishes to have a child (or infant) baptised is also invited to have a word with Miss Lane or Mrs Miller at any time.
Any Catholic parent who wishes to have a child (or infant) baptised is also invited to have a word with Miss Lane or Mrs Miller at any time.
Christmas Fayre
Our Christmas Fayre will be held in school from 2pm until 4pm on Friday 4th December- further details will follow in our newsletter and here on the blog.
School Disco
There will be a whole school disco in school from 6.15pm until 7.30pm on Thursday 26th November. The cost is £1.25, please pay at the door. If any parents would like to help on the night, please leave your name at the school office.
Year 3 & Year 5 Road Safety
Our Year3 and Year5 children will be taking part in a Child Pedestrian Training Session run by Newcastle City Council Road Safety Team on Wednesday 25th November. The training will take place outside the school gates in streets adjacent to the school, the remainder of the session will be in class. A member of staff will also accompany them.
Friends of St Mark's Meeting
Next Tuesday 24th November, there will be a Friends of St Marks Meeting in school beginning at 6pm. This is to discuss the forthcoming Christmas activities. Everyone is welcome to come along. We especially welcome our new parents.
Non Uniform Day
This Thursday will be a Non Uniform day in school. Could we ask for donations of bottles which will be used towards our Christmas Fayre prizes. Thank You.
Raffle Tickets
Your child will shortly be bringing home raffle tickets to sell for our Christmas Fayre. We are sending home 3 books of tickets per child, should you wish to purchase more then please call into the office or give a note, together with the correct money, to your child. £1.00 per book.
Monday, 16 November 2009
Anti Bulying Week
We began our anti bullying week with a guest visitor at our morning assembly. Mr Gill spoke to us about the harm that can be caused by making life miserable for people and picking on them. The focus of our anti bullying week this year is cyber bullying - how to recognise it and what to do about it. The children are becoming more aware of online communications through Xbox Live and social networking such as Facebook, Bebo and Club Penguin- so it is vital that they understand how to stay as safe as possible online.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
School Christmas Lunch Thursday 10th December
Children who usually bring a packed lunch are invited to take a Christmas Lunch on Thursday 10th December. If your child would like to have lunch parents are asked to write a short note and send this into the school office. The cost is £1.85. Money should be sent in on Monday 7th December. If your child usually has a school dinner you do not need to send a note into school as Christmas lunch will be part of their normal meals that week. Please let us know by Friday 20th November.
Morrisons Vouchers
These vouchers will shortly be coming to an end. Please keep them coming, we will let you know soon how many vouches have been collected.
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Shoebox Appeal
A reminder that shoeboxes can be brought into school any time now. If you would like to donate a shoebox for this worthwhile course, boxes can be brought into school any time now. These should be handed in to your child’s class teacher. Please remember to include your £2.00 (This must go inside your box). We ask that all boxes be sent in by Friday 20th November at the latest as these are being collected on Monday 23rd November. Thank you for your continued support.
School Photos
Thank you to those parents who have already returned their photograph orders to school. We have extended the deadline for orders to this Friday 13th November. Orders must be in school by then as the photographer will collect these on Monday.
Data Information/Home School Agreement Forms
With the exception of our Reception class your child should have brought home the above forms for completion. Could you please complete all sections, sign and return these to school by this Friday 13th November. It is imperative that we have up to date information regarding your child.
First Communion 2010
For the attention of parents of Catholic children aged 7 years or over:
If you wish to present your child for First Holy Communion in 2010 please contact Miss Lane before Friday 20th November.
Any Catholic parent who wishes to have a child (or infant) baptised is also invited to have a word with Miss Lane or Mrs Miller at any time.
If you wish to present your child for First Holy Communion in 2010 please contact Miss Lane before Friday 20th November.
Any Catholic parent who wishes to have a child (or infant) baptised is also invited to have a word with Miss Lane or Mrs Miller at any time.
Monday, 9 November 2009
Friends of St Mark's Meeting
There will be a Friends of St Marks meeting in school next Tuesday evening 10th November at 6pm. This is a very informal meeting to discuss forthcoming events which will be taking place in school, or to raise any issues or ideas you have. We especially welcome new parents. Please try and come along.
“What Can a Parent Do” Sessions
A reminder that the "What Can A Parent Do?" sessions will be running in school on Thursday afternoons from 1pm- 3.15pm. If you want to come along call into the office and see Mrs Slack.
Harvest Festival
A great big thank you for the support received during Enterprise week. The children and staff had a great time. The total amount raised for CAFOD was a fantastic £659.88. Once again thank you all for your continued support.
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