Wednesday 6 January 2010

Welcome Back

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year and welcome back to the start of another term. I hope you all had al lovely break, despite the freezing weather conditions.

The staff and I would like to pass on sincere thanks for all the presents and cards received at Christmas.

At St Marks we pride ourselves in being an Eco friendly school. We are therefore collecting Christmas cards for recycling, if it is easier for you to send your cards into school rather than take them to the supermarket , cards can be sent in from now. A recycling box is in the school hall.

We would like to welcome two new members of staff to St. Mark’s. Miss Jessica Lindsay joins us a Classroom Assistant in our Reception Class working with Mrs Smith. Mrs Lillian Quinn will be working as a temporary Lunchtime Supervisor. We hope they enjoy their time with us at St. Mark’s.

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