Thursday, 20 October 2011


Below are the Attendance figures for last week. 
Reception                                 94.7%
Year 1                                        97.3%
Year 2                                        94.0%
Year 3                                        96.0%
Year 4                                        93.3%
Year 5                                        96.8%
Year 6                                        97.8%
The overall attendance for these classes was 95.6%. Well done to our Year 6 class who had the highest attendance, and have earned an extra playtime.   Attendance figures are slowly on the increase. 
As you know we  work closely  with Education Welfare to improve our attendance and punctuality.  At the end of each half term we will be looking at those children whose attendance has fallen below 90%, and writing to parents whose children fall into this category.
I appreciate we have had a number of children who have been on holiday during this first half term, which of course has had an impact on their attendance and the overall school attendance.   I am sure with your support we will as the year goes on,  achieve and surpass our target.  Thank you.
Due to cut backs at Newcastle City Council we no longer have the 100% attendance initiatives we used to take part in each term.  I feel it is very important that all children who achieve 100% attendance each term are recognised.  At the end of each full term, children who have full attendance will be entered into a draw to win a prize.  Further information will follow.

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