Tuesday 11 October 2011

Harvest Festival 21st October

Parents are invited to our Harvest Service next Friday morning in school beginning at 9am. We look forward to seeing you there.

Each year we receive fantastic donations of fruit, vegetable and tinned goods for our Harvest Table. Could we once again ask for donations to be sent into school, these should be handed in to your child’s class on Thursday 20th October.

If you know anyone within the parish who you think would like to receive a Harvest Parcel from St. Mark’s could you write their name, address together with your child’s name on a piece of paper and hand it into the school office. All names should be handed in by next Wednesday 19th October. After our service your child will be given a parcel to take home then deliver to their nominated person. All remaining donations will be collected by St. Vincent De Paul. Thank you once again in anticipation of your support.

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