Wednesday 8 February 2012



As I am sure you are aware, we are always actively looking for ways to alleviate the ongoing parking issues we have at the beginning and end of the school day.  To try and help ease the situation, after the half term break we will be opening our school doors 10 minutes earlier each morning for a trial period.  
From Monday 20th February, your child will be able to come into school from 8.40a.m.  Parents/carers can drop children into their classrooms, your child will wait there until the bell rings at 8.50am, during this time they will of course be supervised.  This means you do not have to wait in the yard, you can leave as soon as your child is in class. I know many parents go straight to work from school so I hope that by enabling you to leave your child earlier, this also helps you, as well as the parking situation.   Children must use their own entrance to come into school and not cut through the hall.  
I would stress that you do not have to come to school earlier if this is not convenient for you, the bell will ring as usual at 8.50am.
I will of course be monitoring the situation to see if this makes a difference to the parking situation in the mornings, and will report back to you in due course.  Thank you for your support in this matter.

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