Thursday, 23 December 2010
Have A Lovely Christmas
We've broken up for Christmsa now after a snowy last few weeks. Thank you to everyone for the fantastic term we've just had, the brilliant performances from our children, the beautiful carol service in the garden and the wonderfully thoughtful carol service in the school hall with our friends and familes yesterday morning. All the staff would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has sent gifts and cards to school.
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Christmas Mass Times
Christmas Mass times at St. Mark’s Church are as follows;
Christmas Day 8.30am and 10am
Christmas Eve 8p.m.
Christmas Day 8.30am and 10am
End Of Term
School closes for the Christmas Break tomorrow Parents may collect their children any time after 1pm. However school will remain open until 3.15pm as usual.
New Year Attendance and Punctuality
After our Christmas break we will be working closely with our Education Welfare Officer monitoring both attendance and punctuality. There are a number of children who are regularly coming into school after the bell at 8.50am. If you have a problem getting your child into school on time and would like to discuss this please call in and see me.
Can I ask that all children use their own entrance door when coming into school each morning. With the exception of our Reception class, unless your child is a morning helper no children should be in school before the bell goes at 8.50am. However, if the weather is extreme as it has been recently ,children will be allowed in before the bell goes.
Can I ask that all children use their own entrance door when coming into school each morning. With the exception of our Reception class, unless your child is a morning helper no children should be in school before the bell goes at 8.50am. However, if the weather is extreme as it has been recently ,children will be allowed in before the bell goes.
Dinner Money
A reminder to parents that dinner money must come into school each Monday morning, this is when banking is carried out. Money should be placed in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and handed into your child’s class. In line with our school policy, if your child does not have their dinner money with them on a Monday, parents will be contacts and asked to provide a packed lunch for the rest of the week.
Please remember all cheques should be made payable to ‘Newcastle City Council’. Please remember it will be 2011. Thank you.
Please remember all cheques should be made payable to ‘Newcastle City Council’. Please remember it will be 2011. Thank you.
After School Clubs
There will be no after school clubs running the first week of term. We will keep you informed about which clubs will run in our first newsletter of 2011.
Christmas Card Re-cycling
As you know we pride ourselves on being very Eco friendly! So when we return in the New Year there will be a box ready for any Christmas cards you would like to send in to be recycled.
End Of Year Thanks!
Dear Parents/Carers
Well here we are, the end of another term and another year.
We have had another fantastic year at St. Mark’s. I would like to pass on sincere thanks to all our staff for their hard work, the parent helpers and friends of St. Marks who have so generously given up their time to come into school to help. A special thank you also to our children for all their hard work throughout the year.
Thank you to all those parents who came along to watch the children perform in their plays last week. I am sure you will agree both the staff and the children worked really hard, but their hard work certainly paid off. The performances were brilliant. Well done.
As you know we collected for St. Cuthbert’s Care at the end of each performance. The total amount donated was £157.08. Thank you.
Well here we are, the end of another term and another year.
We have had another fantastic year at St. Mark’s. I would like to pass on sincere thanks to all our staff for their hard work, the parent helpers and friends of St. Marks who have so generously given up their time to come into school to help. A special thank you also to our children for all their hard work throughout the year.
Thank you to all those parents who came along to watch the children perform in their plays last week. I am sure you will agree both the staff and the children worked really hard, but their hard work certainly paid off. The performances were brilliant. Well done.
As you know we collected for St. Cuthbert’s Care at the end of each performance. The total amount donated was £157.08. Thank you.
Carols In The Garden
Thank you to all the children and families who braved the sub zero temperatures to take part in our Carols In The Garden celebration last night. It was a beautiful evening and everyone involved had a wonderful time singing Christmas carols old and new and keeping warm with hot chocolate, mulled wine and mince pies.
Friday, 17 December 2010
Carols In The Garden
On Monday 20th December, our Year 3 & 4 children will be singing Carols in our school garden. Parents are invited to come along and join us. We will start at 5pm. I hope you will be able to come and join us, as this will be the first time we have celebrated Christmas in this way. Mulled wine and mince pies will be served afterwards.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
School Photographs
School photograph orders should will be with us very shortly. These will be sent home with your child.
New Year Attendance and Punctuality;
Christmas Party Dates
Tuesday 21st December Year 3 Trip to Newbiggin Hall Library Cancelled
We have been informed that Newbiggin Hall Library, is closed due to damage to the roof caused by the snow. This of course means that our visit has been cancelled.
Carols In The Garden
On Monday 20th December, our Year 3 & 4 children will be singing Carols in our school garden. Parents are invited to come along and join us. We will start at 5pm. I hope you will be able to come and join us, as this will be the first time we have celebrated Christmas in this way. Mulled wine and mince pies will be served afterwards.
15th December Year4 Carol Singing
Tomorrow afternoon, our Year 4 children have been invited to go along to Wheatfield Court Nursing Home in Westerhope and sing Christmas Carols. This is a very special time for the residents who always look forward to seeing and hearing the children. They will return to school by 3.15pm.
Reception Places September 2011
Please remember any parent who has a child starting Reception class next September applications must be completed and returned to School Admissions by 15th January 2011.
Christmas Craft Club
Unfortunately because our first session of the Christmas Craft Club was cancelled because of the weather, our final session will take place tomorrow (Wednesday 15th December) afternoon 3.15pm until 4.45pm
School Fayre
Dear Parents/Carers
I would like to pass on sincere thanks to everyone who supported our Christmas Fayre last Friday.
I would especially like to say a huge ‘Thank you’ to the Friends of St. Marks, parents and helpers who generously gave up their time to come in and help organize and run our Fayre.
The total amount raised was a fantastic £526.54 this will be used to subsidise trips for our children.
There are a number of unclaimed prizes, details are as follows, you can check ticket numbers at the school office.
I would like to pass on sincere thanks to everyone who supported our Christmas Fayre last Friday.
I would especially like to say a huge ‘Thank you’ to the Friends of St. Marks, parents and helpers who generously gave up their time to come in and help organize and run our Fayre.
The total amount raised was a fantastic £526.54 this will be used to subsidise trips for our children.
There are a number of unclaimed prizes, details are as follows, you can check ticket numbers at the school office.
Monday, 13 December 2010
Year 5/ 6 Nativity Performance Times
Our Year 5/ 6 Nativity production, Miracle on Bethlehem Street, will take place on Wednesday 15th December at 2pm and again on Thursday 17th December at 6pm.
Entrance is by ticket only.
Entrance is by ticket only.
Reception & Key Stage 1 Nativity Times
Tuesday 14th December at 2pm and Thursday 16th December at 9.30am.
Reception and KS1 nativity play ’ A Really Noisy Nativity’ - 2pm in school. Further information will be given to your child today.
Further Information regarding our school Nativity Plays will be sent out with your child.
Entrance is by ticket only.
Reception and KS1 nativity play ’ A Really Noisy Nativity’ - 2pm in school. Further information will be given to your child today.
Further Information regarding our school Nativity Plays will be sent out with your child.
Entrance is by ticket only.
St. Mark's Carol Service
Our Christmas Carol Service will be held in school at on Wednesday 22nd December.
Free School Meals
Certain new government funding streams will be based on the number of children entitled to free school meals in every school. It is therefore very important that, if you are eligible for free schools meals,. you apply for them. Your child may not want to have a cooked lunch and may prefer a packed lunch but school will lose out of important funding streams if entitlement is not taken up. If this is the case, please come into school and speak to either myself or Mrs Wilcox. The process is simple and application forms are available from the school office.
Christmas Party Dates
Friday 17th December Year 5 & 6 Monday 20th December Year 3 &4 Tuesday 21st December Reception 1 & 2 Children may come to school wearing their party clothes. All party food will be provided by school.
Reception Places September 2011
Please remember any parent who has a child starting Reception class next September applications must be completed and returned to School Admissions by 15th January 2011.
Year 4 Swimming
Due to the bad weather and Christmas preparations there will be no swimming for our Year 4 children for the rest of this term. This will resume again after the Christmas Break.
Guitar Lessons
Mr. Pattison our guitar tutor has informed us that there will be no more lessons until after the Christmas break.
Thank You From Everyone At St. Mark's
Dear Parents,
Hopefully the worst of the snow is behind us now! I have been asked by the Governing Body of St. Mark’s to pass on sincere thanks to parents, children and staff for the commitment and support shown during the treacherous weather conditions last week.
Hopefully the worst of the snow is behind us now! I have been asked by the Governing Body of St. Mark’s to pass on sincere thanks to parents, children and staff for the commitment and support shown during the treacherous weather conditions last week.
Thursday, 2 December 2010
School remains open
St Mark's will be open today Thursday 2nd December.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Alison Miller
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Alison Miller
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
The Incredible Years
Dear Parents / Carers
After Christmas and towards the end of January Caroline Slack, our PSA, will be beginning a new Parent / Carer course called the Incredible Years.
This programme is a training series developed to help reduce difficult behaviour in children and boost their social and self control skills.
The programme has been found to be really successful in strengthening parent management skills, improving children’s social abilities and reducing behaviour problems.
There is lots of evidence to show that the programme has helped turn around the behaviours of up to 80 percent of the children of parents taking part.
The programme gives parents techniques and strategies to manage behaviours such as aggressiveness, tantrums, and acting out behaviour such as swearing, whining, yelling, hitting and kicking, answering back and refusing to follow rules.
Through a range of strategies, Parents / Carers help children control their emotions and improve their social skills so that they can get along better with their peers and adults, and do better academically. It can also mean a more enjoyable family life.
If you feel you might be interested and would like to find out more details contact Caroline here at St Mark's before Friday 10th December and she will get in touch with you.
After Christmas and towards the end of January Caroline Slack, our PSA, will be beginning a new Parent / Carer course called the Incredible Years.
This programme is a training series developed to help reduce difficult behaviour in children and boost their social and self control skills.
The programme has been found to be really successful in strengthening parent management skills, improving children’s social abilities and reducing behaviour problems.
There is lots of evidence to show that the programme has helped turn around the behaviours of up to 80 percent of the children of parents taking part.
The programme gives parents techniques and strategies to manage behaviours such as aggressiveness, tantrums, and acting out behaviour such as swearing, whining, yelling, hitting and kicking, answering back and refusing to follow rules.
Through a range of strategies, Parents / Carers help children control their emotions and improve their social skills so that they can get along better with their peers and adults, and do better academically. It can also mean a more enjoyable family life.
If you feel you might be interested and would like to find out more details contact Caroline here at St Mark's before Friday 10th December and she will get in touch with you.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Snow update
I am planning to open the school as usual tomorrow 8.50am until 3.15pm - weather permitting!
Thank you for your continued support.
I will keep you updated.
Mrs Alison Miller
Thank you for your continued support.
I will keep you updated.
Mrs Alison Miller
Monday, 29 November 2010
Snow update
Due to adverse weather conditions St Mark's will open 10.00am until 2.00pm tomorrow - Tuesday 30th November. I will keep you informed by Blog and text.
Snow update
Due to the change in weather conditions St Mark's will close at 2pm today. If you feel you need to collect your child earlier then please feel free to do so.
At present St Mark's is open. I am here!
I am waiting for other members of staff to arrive to see if I am able to run the school safely.
I will keep you updated.
Mrs Miller
I am waiting for other members of staff to arrive to see if I am able to run the school safely.
I will keep you updated.
Mrs Miller
Thursday, 25 November 2010
At the present moment in time St Mark's will be open as usual. If there is any major deterioration in the weather we will inform parents through blog updates and text messages.
Monday, 15 November 2010
Change 4 Life
As you know at St. Mark’s we pride ourselves on being a Healthy School. You may have heard about the Change 4 Life healthy living initiative which is being run by Newcastle City Council and the NHS. A programme of fun based activities are currently running for children aged 8-16 years old. If you would like further information leaflets are available outside the school office. Or you can contact ; Newcastle Physical Activity Team on 0191 -2788558 or email
Samaritans Purse Shoebox Appeal
Thank you to those parents who are supporting this worthwhile cause and have already sent in their shoeboxes. Can we ask that all boxes sent into your child’s class by next Friday 19th November at the latest as donations will be collected on 22nd November. Please remember to include £2.50 for transportation costs. We do need still need empty shoeboxes, please send these in to Miss Smith our Year 3 Teacher. Thank you for your continued support.
School Christmas Lunch 15th December
On Wednesday 15th December our children will have their Christmas lunch. If your child usually brings a packed lunch but would like to have a Christmas Lunch, please write a short note with their name, class, £1.90 lunch money and hand it into the office. Names should be handed in by Monday 15th November at the latest. Children who usually have a school lunch do not need to send in their name.
Christmas Fayre—Friday 10th December
As our Christmas Fayre fast approaches, could we ask for donations of the following for our stalls;
Teddies, unwanted gifts for our tombola, good quality toys, games etc donations can be sent in from now. We urgently need helpers who would be able to give up their time to help with the organising of our Fayre and to help out on a stall on the day. The Friend’s of St. Mark’s do a fantastic job, but without volunteers to help we simply cannot run these fundraising events. Please leave your name at the office if you are able to help. Thank you for your continued support.
Teddies, unwanted gifts for our tombola, good quality toys, games etc donations can be sent in from now. We urgently need helpers who would be able to give up their time to help with the organising of our Fayre and to help out on a stall on the day. The Friend’s of St. Mark’s do a fantastic job, but without volunteers to help we simply cannot run these fundraising events. Please leave your name at the office if you are able to help. Thank you for your continued support.
Parking Outside School
Parents are reminded to be vigilant when dropping their children off by car. No parking is allowed in the yellow box just outside the school gates. Please ensure that you park with care and consideration as the safety of our children is paramount. Thank you.
Dear Parents,
Last Thursday was very special day for us at St. Mark’s. The children were so excited meeting Bishop Seamus Cunningham and spending the morning with him in school. We began the day by attending church. Parents and Friends of St. Mark’s joined us to celebrate mass with the Bishop in St. Mark’s Church at 9.30am. The mass was very reflective and the children were fantastic. Bishop Seamus blessed the jigsaw we made to be shared between each class in school, St. Mark's Church and Bishop Seamus himself.
Last Thursday was very special day for us at St. Mark’s. The children were so excited meeting Bishop Seamus Cunningham and spending the morning with him in school. We began the day by attending church. Parents and Friends of St. Mark’s joined us to celebrate mass with the Bishop in St. Mark’s Church at 9.30am. The mass was very reflective and the children were fantastic. Bishop Seamus blessed the jigsaw we made to be shared between each class in school, St. Mark's Church and Bishop Seamus himself.
Monday, 18 October 2010
Dinner Money This Week
Dinner Money for next week will be £7.60 (4 days). As our Year 6 children are out on Thursday they only need to bring in £5.70 (3 days). All dinner money must come in on Monday. It would be a great help if you could send in the correct money. Thank you.
Diary Dates
Tonight is Sacred Heart Year 6 Intake Evening. Sacred Heart High school invite parents of our Year 6 girls to an Intake Open Evening. This will begin 6pm until 8pm.
Thursday 21st October - Year 6 Class Visit to Sacred Heart High School for ’The Big Sing’
Please remember your child will need a packed lunch with them for this visit.
Thursday 21st October– School will close for half term at 3.15pm . Friday 22nd is a Teacher Training Day.
Monday 1st November. School will reopen.
Wednesday 3rd November Informal Parents Evening. 3.30pm until 6.30pm There will be an informal Parents Evening in school to discuss how your child has settled into their new class and how their work is progressing. A list of times available will be outside your child’s class.
Thursday 4th November - School Photographs.
Focal Point Photographers will be in school. Further information will be in next week’s newsletter.
Thursday 21st October - Year 6 Class Visit to Sacred Heart High School for ’The Big Sing’
Please remember your child will need a packed lunch with them for this visit.
Thursday 21st October– School will close for half term at 3.15pm . Friday 22nd is a Teacher Training Day.
Monday 1st November. School will reopen.
Wednesday 3rd November Informal Parents Evening. 3.30pm until 6.30pm There will be an informal Parents Evening in school to discuss how your child has settled into their new class and how their work is progressing. A list of times available will be outside your child’s class.
Thursday 4th November - School Photographs.
Focal Point Photographers will be in school. Further information will be in next week’s newsletter.
Harvest Festival
We would appreciate any donations of tinned items (in date please, these can be sent into your child’s class any time from now) and fruit and vegetables for our Harvest table. Fresh produce should be sent in next Tuesday.
If you know someone elderly or ill within our School Parish who would benefit from a Harvest Parcel from St. Mark’s, please write down their name and address, together with your child’s name and hand it in to the school office as soon as possible. Your child will be given a parcel to take to their nominated person. The remainder of donations will be collected by St. Vincent De Paul. Thank you for your support.
Enterprise Week
As half term fast approaches, we have a very busy time ahead in school. This Monday is the start of our “Enterprise Week” The CAFOD Theme this year is ‘Put your Heart into it’. The aim is to raise as much money as we can for this charity. Each class will be given a small amount of money to spend; with this money they will buy items to make in class, during Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday afternoon 20th October from 2.30pm, parents are invited to come into school to see what the children have been making and buy the crafts made. We always have a fun and enjoyable time during Enterprise Week.
Monday, 4 October 2010
Farewell To Mrs Curry
Dear Parents,
I begin our newsletter this week, with the news that our school cook Angela Currie will be leaving us this Friday, 1st October.
It’s the end of an era for Mrs Currie, who herself attended St Mark’s as a pupil. Who would have thought she would return as our cook, a role she has undertaken so well for the past 10 years. During this time she has served thousands of school dinners, given us fantastic themed lunches including our Italian Day, Black and White Day, and of course Christmas lunches, to name but a few. Mrs Currie has always shown kindness, commitment and dedication to St. Marks, and is a great friend to our children, parents and staff.
She will begin a new chapter in her career from Monday 4th October, taking up her new role as Workforce Development Officer. We will all miss you Mrs Currie, and wish you every success for your future. We sincerely thank you for being a part of our family here at St Mark’s, and hope you will take with you lots of happy and special memories . Good Luck and please stay in touch.
Mrs Elliot and Mrs Davis who currently work in our kitchen will together undertake the role of cook until a replacement is appointed.
I begin our newsletter this week, with the news that our school cook Angela Currie will be leaving us this Friday, 1st October.
It’s the end of an era for Mrs Currie, who herself attended St Mark’s as a pupil. Who would have thought she would return as our cook, a role she has undertaken so well for the past 10 years. During this time she has served thousands of school dinners, given us fantastic themed lunches including our Italian Day, Black and White Day, and of course Christmas lunches, to name but a few. Mrs Currie has always shown kindness, commitment and dedication to St. Marks, and is a great friend to our children, parents and staff.
She will begin a new chapter in her career from Monday 4th October, taking up her new role as Workforce Development Officer. We will all miss you Mrs Currie, and wish you every success for your future. We sincerely thank you for being a part of our family here at St Mark’s, and hope you will take with you lots of happy and special memories . Good Luck and please stay in touch.
Mrs Elliot and Mrs Davis who currently work in our kitchen will together undertake the role of cook until a replacement is appointed.
Names On Uniforms
Can I remind parents that your child’s name MUST be written in all school uniform.
Bonus Ball Returns!!
We are once again starting to run our Saturday Bonus Lottery Ball. Mrs. Tull one of our parents will be selling numbers in the school yard each week beginning tomorrow (Wednesday). Numbers cost £1.00. The prize is £25.00. The remainder of the money collected will go to The Friends of St. Mark’s fund and will be used for activities in school. The winner will be announced in our newsletter. Good Luck!
Take Care Crossing The Road
Newcastle City Council have informed us that there will be no lollipop man at the Bedeburn Road/Newbiggin Lane junction on the following dates 27th September until 18th October. Please take care crossing the road!.
Funding Questionnaires
Thank you, from Mrs Wilcox, to those parents who returned their Funding questionnaires to school. We will be looking through these and let you know in due course the area we will be allocating our money to.
School Photographs
There has been a change to the date our School Photographer will be in school. Photos will now be taken 4th November and will be back in time for Christmas. Further information will follow nearer the time.
Diary Dates
Monday 4th October. Our Reception class will be in school all day from 8.50am until 3.15pm.
Tuesday 5th October St. Cuthbert’s Catholic High School Open Evening. Parents of boys in our Year 4, 5 and 6 are invited to an Open Evening beginning at 6pm.
Thursday 7th October—Year 6 Assembly for parents. Further information will follow.
Friday 8th October - Non Uniform Day There will be a non uniform day in school, next Friday any child participating is asked to bring in £1.00. All money raised will be used to purchase raffle/tombola prizes for our Christmas Fayre.
Tuesday 12th October Sacred Heart Year 6 Intake Evening. Sacred Heart High school invite parents of our Year 6 girls to an Intake Open Evening. This will begin 6pm until 8pm.
W/C 18th October - Enterprise Week
Wednesday 20th October–Harvest Festival.
Thursday 21st October - Year 6 Class Visit to Sacred Heart High School for ’The Big Sing’ Further information will follow.
Thursday 21st October– School will close for half term as Friday 22nd is a Teacher Training Day.
Monday 1st November. School will reopen.
Tuesday 5th October St. Cuthbert’s Catholic High School Open Evening. Parents of boys in our Year 4, 5 and 6 are invited to an Open Evening beginning at 6pm.
Thursday 7th October—Year 6 Assembly for parents. Further information will follow.
Friday 8th October - Non Uniform Day There will be a non uniform day in school, next Friday any child participating is asked to bring in £1.00. All money raised will be used to purchase raffle/tombola prizes for our Christmas Fayre.
Tuesday 12th October Sacred Heart Year 6 Intake Evening. Sacred Heart High school invite parents of our Year 6 girls to an Intake Open Evening. This will begin 6pm until 8pm.
W/C 18th October - Enterprise Week
Wednesday 20th October–Harvest Festival.
Thursday 21st October - Year 6 Class Visit to Sacred Heart High School for ’The Big Sing’ Further information will follow.
Thursday 21st October– School will close for half term as Friday 22nd is a Teacher Training Day.
Monday 1st November. School will reopen.
Mrs Slack's Drop In Sessions
Wednesday Morning Drop In 9am - 10am
Our Wednesday morning “Drop in Sessions”. With Caroline Slack our Parent Support Adviser are now running each Wednesday morning from 9am. Parents are invited to come into school, have a coffee and chat about any school issues or ideas you may have. We especially welcome new parents. Please try and come along.
Our Wednesday morning “Drop in Sessions”. With Caroline Slack our Parent Support Adviser are now running each Wednesday morning from 9am. Parents are invited to come into school, have a coffee and chat about any school issues or ideas you may have. We especially welcome new parents. Please try and come along.
I have noticed, a number of parents are bringing their children into school in the mornings before the bell, can I remind parents that unless your child is a morning helper, or it is raining, no one is allowed in school before the bell goes at 8.50am. If you wish to speak to your child’s teacher for any reason, then please let the office staff know and they will locate the teacher for you. Thank you.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Welcome To The Start Of The New School Year
Dear Parents,
A warm welcome back to the start of our new school year. I hope you all enjoyed the holidays despite the mixed weather!!
The staff and I would like to pass on a big “Thank you” for the lovely presents received at the end of term.
We would like to welcome all our new children, and their parents who are starting their journey with us here at St. Mark’s. We look forward to a long and happy relationship with you and your children.
We also welcome Mr Ian Ramsey and Mrs Linda Watson who have joined our team. Mr. Ramsey will work as a Classroom Assistant in our Reception class with Mrs Cathy Smith. Mrs. Watson will work each Monday and Friday with Mrs. Stobbs in the office, and will also undertake the roll of Lunchtime Supervisor. We wish them well in their new roles.
Here at St. Mark’s we continue to strive to be outstanding in all aspects of school life. Can I remind parents that a proper school uniform must be worn. Brown or Black school shoes should be worn. Trainers are not allowed other than for PE lessons. For health and safety reasons jewellery including earrings must not be worn.
I’m sure you have noticed that during the holidays work has been carried out in school. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Wilcox, our School Business Manager and Mr. Crawford and his team for all their hard work work, during the summer break.
I have also noticed that a number of children have come to school with unsuitable haircuts. Please make sure that during term time your child’s hair is cut appropriately.
Thank you for support.
Mrs Alison Miller
A warm welcome back to the start of our new school year. I hope you all enjoyed the holidays despite the mixed weather!!
The staff and I would like to pass on a big “Thank you” for the lovely presents received at the end of term.
We would like to welcome all our new children, and their parents who are starting their journey with us here at St. Mark’s. We look forward to a long and happy relationship with you and your children.
We also welcome Mr Ian Ramsey and Mrs Linda Watson who have joined our team. Mr. Ramsey will work as a Classroom Assistant in our Reception class with Mrs Cathy Smith. Mrs. Watson will work each Monday and Friday with Mrs. Stobbs in the office, and will also undertake the roll of Lunchtime Supervisor. We wish them well in their new roles.
Here at St. Mark’s we continue to strive to be outstanding in all aspects of school life. Can I remind parents that a proper school uniform must be worn. Brown or Black school shoes should be worn. Trainers are not allowed other than for PE lessons. For health and safety reasons jewellery including earrings must not be worn.
I’m sure you have noticed that during the holidays work has been carried out in school. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Wilcox, our School Business Manager and Mr. Crawford and his team for all their hard work work, during the summer break.
I have also noticed that a number of children have come to school with unsuitable haircuts. Please make sure that during term time your child’s hair is cut appropriately.
Thank you for support.
Mrs Alison Miller
Last year was a very disappointing year in relation to our Attendance., which unfortunately fell below the national average. While I understand that there was a number of bugs ,viruses and chickenpox going around, we must improve.
We have been asked to closely monitor our attendance and punctuality. If your child is unwell and not able to come into school, could you please contact the school office on the first day of absence and let us know. If we do not hear from you, you will be contacted as to the reason why your child is not in school.
Each week in our newsletter, we will l show you your child’s class attendance. The year with the highest percentage will earn an extra playtime.
Your support in making sure your child attends school is crucial.
We have been asked to closely monitor our attendance and punctuality. If your child is unwell and not able to come into school, could you please contact the school office on the first day of absence and let us know. If we do not hear from you, you will be contacted as to the reason why your child is not in school.
Each week in our newsletter, we will l show you your child’s class attendance. The year with the highest percentage will earn an extra playtime.
Your support in making sure your child attends school is crucial.
Dinner Money
Please remember the price of a paid school meal is now to £1.90 per day (£9.50 per week). Dinner money can be paid weekly monthly or termly. Cheques should be made payable to “Newcastle City Council”. Dinner money must come into school each Monday morning, in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name. This should be put into their book bag. Parents whose children do not have their money in school, in line with our school policy will be asked to provide a packed lunch for the remainder of the week.
After School Dance Class
Last term we informed you about a dance club beginning through “Free Motion Dance Company”. Initially we were told that there would be no charge for these classes. However, unfortunately funding for this has now been withdrawn. There will therefore be a cost for these sessions. We need to establish how many children would be interested in joining, to determine whether or not this will now go ahead and how much this would cost each week. Details are as follows;
The club will run each Monday 3.15pm until 4.15pm beginning Monday 13th September through to Easter for our KS2 children (Years 3,4 5 & 6), boys and girls. 25 places are available.
If your child would like to take part, please write a short note giving permission and hand it in to the office. (This also applies to those parents who had already left their child’s name at the office). Please hand this in by Thursday. Places will be allocated on a first come basis. Can we ask that all children who sign up for this class attend each week as the children will be performing in school.
After Easter our KS1 children will have the opportunity to join.
The club will run each Monday 3.15pm until 4.15pm beginning Monday 13th September through to Easter for our KS2 children (Years 3,4 5 & 6), boys and girls. 25 places are available.
If your child would like to take part, please write a short note giving permission and hand it in to the office. (This also applies to those parents who had already left their child’s name at the office). Please hand this in by Thursday. Places will be allocated on a first come basis. Can we ask that all children who sign up for this class attend each week as the children will be performing in school.
After Easter our KS1 children will have the opportunity to join.
Art Club
The club will run each Thursday 3.15pm until 4.15pm. The cost is 50p per week
This term we will be starting a Walk to School initiative, WOW (walk once a week) More information will be sent out shortly. Keep practising!
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Dinner Money
A reminder that dinner money must come into school on Monday morning. All dinner money must be paid up to date before the end of term, any credits lying will be returned to your child.
As mentioned in last weeks letter, from September the price of a paid school meal will increase to £1.90 per day £9.50 per week.
As mentioned in last weeks letter, from September the price of a paid school meal will increase to £1.90 per day £9.50 per week.
Monday 19th July - Parents Evening
There will be an informal Parents Evening from 3.30pm until 5.30pm on Monday 19th July. If you would like to speak to your child’s teacher about their report please call in. No appointments are necessary.
Please note; Miss Thompson our Year 1 teacher will not be available on Parents Evening. Please call in to see her if you would like to speak to her regarding your child.
Please note; Miss Thompson our Year 1 teacher will not be available on Parents Evening. Please call in to see her if you would like to speak to her regarding your child.
Whole School Disco
Tonight, Thursday 15th July, is our whole school disco in school hall. Dancing will begin at 6pm until 7.15pm . The cost will be £1.50 payable on the door. This is a special disco as it will be our Year 6 children’s last. If any parents are able to help on the night, please leave your name at the office.
Reception Information Sharing Meeting Thursday 15th July
A reminder that our Reception Parents are invited to a short meeting at 2.30pm this Thursday 15th July. This meeting is to explain the ‘Foundation Stage Profile’ which will accompany your child’s school report in July. Please try and come along.
Year 6 Leavers Assembly
Our Year 6 parents are invited to this special service where we say goodbye to our Year 6 children. The assembly will begin at 9am on friday 23rd July and usually lasts about 45 minutes. We look forward to seeing you there.
DVDs Still On Sale
If you missed out buying the ‘Newcastle Project’ DVD yesterday, these can still be purchased at a cost of £2.00. The DVDs contain animation and film work created by children from Years 2,3,4,5 &6.
If you'd like to purchase this original and unique masterpiece then catch Mr Dillon around school.
If you'd like to purchase this original and unique masterpiece then catch Mr Dillon around school.
Thank you For Sports Day & Fayre
Dear Parents,
Thank you to everyone who came along to our Sports Day and Summer Fayre yesterday. We hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did. We'd like to send our thanks to all those parents who helped out during the day and the Friends of St Mark's Parents Association who worked so hard to make the fayre such a great success. A special thanks as well to Mr Crawford for setting everything out and putting himself in the stocks to be soaked along with Mr Raven! The children were fantastic on the day and it's great to see them cheering and supporting each other in all the events.
Thank you to everyone who came along to our Sports Day and Summer Fayre yesterday. We hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did. We'd like to send our thanks to all those parents who helped out during the day and the Friends of St Mark's Parents Association who worked so hard to make the fayre such a great success. A special thanks as well to Mr Crawford for setting everything out and putting himself in the stocks to be soaked along with Mr Raven! The children were fantastic on the day and it's great to see them cheering and supporting each other in all the events.
Monday, 12 July 2010
Sports Day
Don't forget Sports Day and Summer Fayre tomorrow folks! Sports Day will be in the morning from 9.30am, the Fayre opens at 1.30pm giving everyone time to head home and get some lunch after all the sports.
Monday, 28 June 2010
Exhibition & Film Screening
Thank you to all the visitors who came into school last Friday to see the work we've produced over the past few months and to watch the films and animations we created for our Tyneside Cinema Film Festival day. It was brilliant to see so many people supporting what we do in school and the comments that people have left in our commetns book have been fantastic. The children are very proud of their work and your support for them encourages them to keep doing their best. They love showing their work off to family and friends!
Thursday, 24 June 2010
North East Project
Key Stage 2 had a fantastic time at the Tyneside Cinema this morning watching all their film and animation work on the big cinema screen. Tomorrow, Friday 25th June, we will be exhibiting all the work we have been doing in school this term and screening our animation and film work. Screenings will be at 9.30am, 10.30am and 2.30pm. You are welcome to come along and join in at any of the screenings and get involved with some interactive art!
Sports Day & Summer Fayre
As our sports day and summer fayre are fast approaching we are asking for volunteers to help set up and run stalls. If you can spare some time please leave your name at the school office. We are also asking for donations of any unwanted gifts, teddy bears or toys that can be used for our stalls. These must be in good condition. Donations can be sent in at any time from now. Thank you for your continued support.
First Holy Communion
On Sunday 27th June at 12 noon, 14 of our children are making their First Holy Communion at St. Mark's Church. Please come along and support our children at this important celebration.
Reception Information Sharing Meeting
Our Reception Parents are invited to a short meeting at 2.30pm on Thursday 15th July. This meeting is to explain the Foundation Stage Profile which will accompany your child's school report in July. Please try and come along. Mrs Smith will be sending further information over the next few days.
World Cup Non Uniform Day
As already mentioned in this weeks newsletter and the letter sent to parents from the parents association, we will be having a non uniform day tomorrow in school. If a child wants to come to school in any World Cup team colours they need to bring a bottle for the school fayre.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
St Mark's Film Festival
Well, the time is here- tomorrow Key Stage 2 will be visiting the Tyneside Cinema to watch the results of all the animation work we have been doing recently. We'll also be holding our big film festival and exhibition in the school hall on Friday.
Friday, 21 May 2010
Penalty Shoot Out Fun
A fantastic day was had by everyone in the St Mark's World Cup Penalty Shoot Out. All the children in school, from Reception to Year 6, had a go at trying to score against our best goalkeepers from Years 5 and 6. Even the staff got in on the act and had a go too. We'll see how much sponsor money we raised when all the forms come back into school but we reckon it'll be a lot judging by how brilliant all our penalty takers were.
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Matthew Jones Cup Final
St Mark's Under 11 football team took part in the Matthew Jones Memorial Cup Competition yesterday evening with 5 other teams. The squad performed brilliantly to make it through to the final, recording four good wins on the way. We played a strong St Bede's team in the final and lost out to them, giving us our second runners up spot of the season so far. Well done to the full squad who came along and a big thank you to all the parents who continue to support our team so much. Next up is the league play off final on Thursday evening at Walbottle.
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Friday 21st May - Penalty Shootout!
This Friday is our Sponsored “Penalty Shootout”. Your child should have brought their sponsor form home by now. The children will have 10 attempts to score goals passed our very own goalkeepers!. All money raised will go towards school trips. Can I ask that money sponsor money be sent into school by next Thursday 27th May. Thank you for your support.
Friends Of St Mark's Meeting 18th May
There will be a Friends' of St. Mark’s meeting tonight in school beginning at 6pm. We urgently need volunteers. Tonight we will be discussing the arrangements for our forthcoming Sports Day. Please try and come along. Minutes from the previous meeting are on the reverse of this letter.
Musical Afternoon
Next Thursday afternoon, 27th May, parents are invited to attend a ’Musical Extravaganza’ here in school. Our children have been learning how to play a wide range of instruments throughout this year. We would like to share this with you. The performance will begin at 2pm. All children will be taking part.
School Uniform
Thank you to those parents who have sent in old uniform which is no longer required. We are still collecting this, so please send any unwanted items into your child’s class. Uniform must be of good quality.
Kielder- Hawkhirst Trip September
A reminder to our present Year 5 parents. The 2nd deposit of £50 for our Hawkhirst visit in September is due by this Friday 21st May.
The date for the final payment (£50) is Friday 25th June.
The date for the final payment (£50) is Friday 25th June.
9th/10th June Cycling Proficiency for Year 4 children.
Our Year 4 children will be taking part in Cycling Proficiency which is run in conjunction with Newcastle City Council. Children should bring their bikes into school on Wednesday /Thursday 9/10th June. Helmets should be worn where possible.
School Photographs
This week your child will be bringing home the proof of our whole school photograph taken recently. If you would like to place an order, please complete the order form and return the envelope and payment to your child’s class. All orders should be received into school by Wednesday 9th June at the latest.
Photographs of our Reception and Year 6 class were also taken. These will also be sent home this week. Orders as above should be sent into school by 9th June.
Photographs of our Reception and Year 6 class were also taken. These will also be sent home this week. Orders as above should be sent into school by 9th June.
P.E. Kit Reminder
Please remember your child must have their PE kit and trainers in school each day. PE is part of our school curriculum and all children are required to take part.
May Half Term Holiday
School will close for half term on Thursday 27th May and will reopen on Monday 7th June.
Thursday 27th May Year 4 Class Assembly
Next Thursday Year 4 Parents are invited to attend their child’s class to celebrate their work in Religious Education. The assembly will begin at 9a.m.
Friday, 14 May 2010
Dear Parents,
As part of St. Mark’s Spiritual and Curriculum Development, I shall be attending a 3 week Sabbatical organised by The Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle. I will be away from school from Monday 28th June and will return on Monday 19th July. If you have any issues or concerns you need to discuss, please speak to Mr. Dillon, who will be standing in for me during this time.
Thank You For Your Support
Mrs Miller
As part of St. Mark’s Spiritual and Curriculum Development, I shall be attending a 3 week Sabbatical organised by The Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle. I will be away from school from Monday 28th June and will return on Monday 19th July. If you have any issues or concerns you need to discuss, please speak to Mr. Dillon, who will be standing in for me during this time.
Thank You For Your Support
Mrs Miller
School Uniform Request
Parents are invited to send into school any good quality uniform that is no longer required. Uniform should be sent in to your child’s class. Thank you.
Kielder Trip
The 2nd deposit of £50 for our present Year 5 residential trip to Kielder is due by Friday 21st May. If paying by cheque please make payable to; “St. Mark’s RC Primary School”. Please see Mrs Stobbs in the school office.
Bishop Cunningham Cup Final
Well done to the four teams who took part in the Bishop Cunningham Cup Final held here at St Mark's last night. There was very little to choose between the four finalists and anyone of three teams could have won it in the final games. Unfortunately for us we were beaten in the last match by St John Boste from Washington who lifted the trophy as winners leaving us as runners up. It's been a fantastic journey getting to final for the second time in three years and our squad have done the whole school and themselves proud!
Sponsored Penalty Shootout
Instead of the planned sponsored walk around school next Friday, we thought it would be fun for the children to have a sponsored “Penalty Shootout" instead. We would have loved Newcastle United’s Steve Harper to come and be our goalie but unfortunately I think he is too tired after the season United have had!! We will therefore be having our own St. Mark’s goalkeepers. Sponsor forms will be sent out this week. All money raised will be used towards school trips.
Monday, 10 May 2010
Want A Laptop?
Home Access is a government drive which will help low-income families to get access to a computer and the internet to get online at home.
If you want to find out more about the scheme and if you qualify to apply go to
If you are a low income family in receipt of certain benefits you could qualify for a grant to buy a computer and/or a minimum of one years’ internet access. The programme is aimed at those that need it most and targets families that do not have access to a computer or the internet at home.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Diary Dates
May Half Term Holiday
School will close for half term on Thursday 27th May and will reopen on Monday 7th June.
Friday 28th May
Teacher Training Day, school will be closed to children.
Monday 7th June
School re-opens.
Meeting for September Reception Parents. 1.30pm
9th/10th June Cycling Proficiency for Year 4 children.
Further details will follow.
Friday 11th June Whole School Trip to Plessey Woods.
Further information will follow.
Creativity Week 14th June
Thursday 24th June
Year 3 Class Assembly.
Tuesday 13th July-Sports Day
Thursday 15th July Year 6 Leavers Disco
Friday 16th July
School reports out to Parents.
Monday 19th July Parents Evening
3.30pm - 5pm
School will close on Friday 23rd July for the Summer Break.
Further information will follow on the above.
School will close for half term on Thursday 27th May and will reopen on Monday 7th June.
Friday 28th May
Teacher Training Day, school will be closed to children.
Monday 7th June
School re-opens.
Meeting for September Reception Parents. 1.30pm
9th/10th June Cycling Proficiency for Year 4 children.
Further details will follow.
Friday 11th June Whole School Trip to Plessey Woods.
Further information will follow.
Creativity Week 14th June
Thursday 24th June
Year 3 Class Assembly.
Tuesday 13th July-Sports Day
Thursday 15th July Year 6 Leavers Disco
Friday 16th July
School reports out to Parents.
Monday 19th July Parents Evening
3.30pm - 5pm
School will close on Friday 23rd July for the Summer Break.
Further information will follow on the above.
Year 4 Class Assembly
Thursday 27th May Year 4 Class Assembly.
Year 4 Parents are invited to attend their child’s class to celebrate their work in Religious Education..
Year 4 Parents are invited to attend their child’s class to celebrate their work in Religious Education..
School Photo
7th May - School Photographer
On Friday 7th May, Focal Point Photography will be in school to take a Whole School Photograph. Our Year 6 children will also have a class photograph taken. We also thought it would be nice for our Reception children to have a class photo taken as a reminder of their first year in school.
On Friday 7th May, Focal Point Photography will be in school to take a Whole School Photograph. Our Year 6 children will also have a class photograph taken. We also thought it would be nice for our Reception children to have a class photo taken as a reminder of their first year in school.
5p Bus
Thank you to our children who supported us by sending in donations for the St. Cuthbert’s 5p bus. Thank you also to our Year 1 Teacher Miss Thompson who recently completed a 10 mile coastal run and donated all cash raised to this worthwhile cause. The total amount collected to date is £79.58.
PE Kit
Once again may I remind parents that children must have their P.E. kits and trainers in school each week. P.E. is part of the school curriculum and all children are required to take part. Unfortunately if your child comes to school without their kit, parents will be contacted and asked to bring it into school before the start of their lesson.
Trim Trail In The Morning
A reminder that because of Health and Safety implications children must not use the Trim Trail equipment when they come into school. Children are only allowed to use this when a member of staff is present to supervise.
Reception & Year 6 Coffee Morning
We would like to pass on thanks to everyone who attended our Reception and Year 6 coffee morning on Friday. This proved to be a great success, we raised £108.74 which will be used to subsidise school trips for our children.
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Year 6 SATs
Dear Parents,
You will be aware that there are ongoing discussions as to whether the National SATS will be taking place this year. I am at present in consultation with the Local Authority, Unions and St. Mark’s feeder High Schools. I will be writing to parents in the next few days to let you know the outcome.
You will be aware that there are ongoing discussions as to whether the National SATS will be taking place this year. I am at present in consultation with the Local Authority, Unions and St. Mark’s feeder High Schools. I will be writing to parents in the next few days to let you know the outcome.
New Handrail
You may have noticed that we now have a new handrail in the main entrance to school. Now that the rail is in place can I ask that parents do not cut across the school yard. Thank you for your co-operation.
School Photo
7th May - School Photographer
On Friday 7th May, Focal Point Photography will be in school to take a Whole School Photograph. Our Year 6 children will also have a class photograph taken. We also thought it would be nice for our Reception children to have a class photo taken as a reminder of their first year in school.
On Friday 7th May, Focal Point Photography will be in school to take a Whole School Photograph. Our Year 6 children will also have a class photograph taken. We also thought it would be nice for our Reception children to have a class photo taken as a reminder of their first year in school.
Coming Dates
Monday 3rd May
School will be closed for the Bank Holiday, and will reopen as usual on Tuesday 4th May.
Wednesday 5th May
Year 3 & 4 Trip to Centre for Life
Thursday 6th May
Reception and Year 1 Trip to Tynemouth Beach
School will be closed for the Bank Holiday, and will reopen as usual on Tuesday 4th May.
Wednesday 5th May
Year 3 & 4 Trip to Centre for Life
Thursday 6th May
Reception and Year 1 Trip to Tynemouth Beach
Reception & Year 6
Friday 30th April
Reception Class Assembly 9a.m.
Reception and Year 6 Coffee Morning 9.10a.m.
A reminder that Parents of our Reception children are invited to attend their first Class Assembly. This will start at 9a.m. It will be followed at 9.10 a.m. by a joint coffee morning with our Year 6 class. Parents and friends of Reception and Year 6 children are invited. The coffee morning should only last about 30minutes, if you are able to help out please let your child’s class teacher know. Thank you to those parents who have sent in donations. We still require cuddly toys, any unwanted gifts (these must be in good condition) and cakes We will be having a tombola stall and raffle on the day. Donations can be sent in to your child’s class. (except cakes which should be brought in on Thursday). Thank you for your continued support.
Reception Class Assembly 9a.m.
Reception and Year 6 Coffee Morning 9.10a.m.
A reminder that Parents of our Reception children are invited to attend their first Class Assembly. This will start at 9a.m. It will be followed at 9.10 a.m. by a joint coffee morning with our Year 6 class. Parents and friends of Reception and Year 6 children are invited. The coffee morning should only last about 30minutes, if you are able to help out please let your child’s class teacher know. Thank you to those parents who have sent in donations. We still require cuddly toys, any unwanted gifts (these must be in good condition) and cakes We will be having a tombola stall and raffle on the day. Donations can be sent in to your child’s class. (except cakes which should be brought in on Thursday). Thank you for your continued support.
Friends of St Mark's
Friends of St. Mark’s Meeting TonightTuesday 27th April
There will be a Friends of St. Mark’s meeting in school tonight beginning at 6pm. New members are urgently needed. The meeting is very informal and everyone is welcome. Please try and come along.
There will be a Friends of St. Mark’s meeting in school tonight beginning at 6pm. New members are urgently needed. The meeting is very informal and everyone is welcome. Please try and come along.
Gardening Club
Lunchtime Gardening Club with Mr. Wood
Now that the better weather is here, Mr Wood will once again be starting his Gardening club. This will start next Tuesday at 12.30 p.m. for those children who are already registered and have been working in the quiet garden.
Now that the better weather is here, Mr Wood will once again be starting his Gardening club. This will start next Tuesday at 12.30 p.m. for those children who are already registered and have been working in the quiet garden.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Welcome Back
Welcome back to the start of our Summer Term. I hope you all had a restful holiday. I would like to thank you all for the tremendous support shown for our Easter Fayre. The total amount raised was a fantastic £587.34 This will go towards subsidising trips for our children. There is one unclaimed prize still to collect, Yellow raffle ticket number 349. If you have this ticket then please see Mrs Stobbs.
I have been informed by one of our residents that Silver/Green Ford Fusion car was parked inappropriately outside school. The registration number has been taken and forwarded to the police.
I have been informed by one of our residents that Silver/Green Ford Fusion car was parked inappropriately outside school. The registration number has been taken and forwarded to the police.
Art Club
Unfortunately because of prior appointments Art Club will be cancelled for the next 2 weeks. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Unfortunately because of prior appointments Art Club will be cancelled for the next 2 weeks. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Friends Of St Mark's
Friends of St. Mark’s MeetingTuesday 27th April
There will be a Friends of St. Mark’s meeting in school at 6pm. New members are urgently needed. The meeting is very informal and everyone is welcome. Minutes from the previous meeting held on 23rd March are on the reverse of your newsletter.
There will be a Friends of St. Mark’s meeting in school at 6pm. New members are urgently needed. The meeting is very informal and everyone is welcome. Minutes from the previous meeting held on 23rd March are on the reverse of your newsletter.
Bank Holiday 3rd May
Monday 3rd May
School will be closed for the Bank Holiday, and will reopen as usual on Tuesday 4th May.
School will be closed for the Bank Holiday, and will reopen as usual on Tuesday 4th May.
Gaelic Football
Gaelic Football—Mondays 3.20pm until 4pmWe are now opening the above club to our Year 5 children, boys and girls. The club will run for a further 5 weeks. Places are limited, so if your child is interested please write a short note giving permission for them to take part and hand it in to the school office as soon as possible. There is no charge for this club.
Reception and Year 6 Coffee Morning
Parents of our Reception children are invited to attend their first Class Assembly. This will start at 9a.m. It will be followed at 9.10 a.m. by a joint coffee morning with our Year 6. Parents and friends of Reception and Year 6 children are invited. Could we ask for donations of cuddly toys, any unwanted gifts (these must be in good condition) and cakes We will be having a tombola stall and raffle on the day. Donations can be sent in to your child’s class anytime from now. (except cakes which should be sent in the day before). Thank you for your continued support.
KS1(Year 1 & 2) After School Football Sessions Monday 26th April
Football coaching will go ahead next Monday and will be run by Teamscene, this will initially run for 5 weeks at a cost of £10. Year 1 & 2 Boys and Girls are able to take part. Suitable outdoor clothing should be worn The club will run from 3.15pm until 4.15pm. A few places are still available. If your child in interested please write a short note giving permission for them to take part, and hand it in to Mrs. Stobbs. £10 Payment should be sent in on Monday. Cheques are to be made payable to Teamscene.
Hawkhirst 2nd Deposit
The 2nd Instalment of £50 for our present Year 5 children's visit to Hawkhirst in September is due by Friday 21st May. Payment can be made at the office. Cheques should be made payable to “St Mark’s RC Primary School”
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Thank You.
Dear Parents,
As the end of term approaches, I would like to pass on thanks to parents and our regular helpers for the continued support you give. We have had a very busy term with OFSTED and RE inspections taking place. I hope you agree after reading the reports that St. Mark’s is a great school to be part of. With your support, we will continue to strive to become outstanding in all areas. Thank you once again for making St. Mark’s a special place.
Mrs Alison Miller
Mrs Alison Miller
Year 5
A reminder to Year 5 parents, the First Deposit for the September Kielder Visit is now due. Could you please send your deposit into school by tomorrow. Those year 5 children who would like to take part in the Bikeability Training after the Easter Break must have their completed form in school by tomorrow.
KS1 Football- Final Chance!!
KS1 Football. Y1 & 2 Final Reminder
If your child would like to take part in the Football Sessions after Easter, please let us know by tomorrow.
If your child would like to take part in the Football Sessions after Easter, please let us know by tomorrow.
Gaelic Football After School
There will be Gaelic Football sessions for Years 3 & 4 beginning on Monday 19th April, 3.15pm until 4pm. If your child would like to take part, please write a short note giving permission and send it into school tomorrow. There is no charge for this club. Suitable outdoor clothing should be worn.
Year 5 Swimming
After the Easter Break our Year 5 children will no longer be taking swimming lessons each Wednesday morning. The majority of our children have now achieved their 25metre badge, the national requirement. We have therefore decided that for the remainder of this academic year our children will take part in other sporting activities within school.
Easter Fayre and Tombola Wednesday 31st March
Tomorrow is our Easter Fayre this will begin from 2.30pm until 3.30pm. Thank you to everyone who has sent in donations. We still require volunteers, please leave your name at the office if you can help out. Everyone is welcome to come along. All money raised will be used towards funding for school visits.
A reminder that if your child would like to enter the ‘Decorate an Egg’ competition, these will be judged tomorrow by Mrs Currie.
A reminder that if your child would like to enter the ‘Decorate an Egg’ competition, these will be judged tomorrow by Mrs Currie.
Mr Bob Wood
This Thursday we will be saying goodbye to Bob Wood in his role as lunchtime supervisor. Mr Wood has carried out lunchtime duties at St. Mark’s for over 10 years. I would like to thank him for his commitment and hard work during that time. Although Mr Wood is leaving us, he is not retiring yet! He has taken up a new position which he carries out each morning. Footballers don’t worry, training will carry on as usual!
I am sure staff, children and parents will join me in wishing Mr Wood all the very best for the future. I hope he will take with him many happy memories of his time as a lunchtime supervisor at St. Mark’s.
I am sure staff, children and parents will join me in wishing Mr Wood all the very best for the future. I hope he will take with him many happy memories of his time as a lunchtime supervisor at St. Mark’s.
Parking Patrols
On a solemn note, yesterday we had a visit from the local police. Once again, we were informed complaints are still being received from some of the residents of Shirlaw Close regarding ongoing parking issues. We have been informed that the police will be monitoring the situation and where parking is considered to be inappropriate or a Health and Safety risk, parking tickets will be issued. We once again ask you to park responsibly, and to please consider our neighbours and our children!
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Bishop Cunningham Cup
Well done to our Under 11 football team who performed fantastically last night to make it through to the final of the Bishop Cunningham Cup for the second time in three years. We played two very tough matches, drawing 1-1 with St Thomas Moore of Durham and beating St Cuthbert's from North Shields 4-0 to make it through.
Our Under 9s will be playing today at Newcastle United Academy with the other Catholic schools from Newcastle. We hope the team have a good day out, do their best and most of all enjoy their football.
UPDATE- A big well done to the Under 9s team to made it to the semi final of the Newcastle Catholic Schools Cup, losing to eventual winners St Alban's from Walkergate. The boys did themselves and the school proud and we're all looking forward to seeing them in action again after Easter.
Our Under 9s will be playing today at Newcastle United Academy with the other Catholic schools from Newcastle. We hope the team have a good day out, do their best and most of all enjoy their football.
UPDATE- A big well done to the Under 9s team to made it to the semi final of the Newcastle Catholic Schools Cup, losing to eventual winners St Alban's from Walkergate. The boys did themselves and the school proud and we're all looking forward to seeing them in action again after Easter.
Art Club
Unfortunately Art Club will once again be cancelled this week. I do apologise for the inconvenience this term. Art Club will return again after the Easter break.
East Holidays
School will close for the Easter break on Thursday 1st April and will reopen on Monday 19th April.
Dinner Money for next week will be £7.40. Could you please try and send the correct money into school. Thank you.
Dinner Money for next week will be £7.40. Could you please try and send the correct money into school. Thank you.
Stations of The Cross
Our traditional Easter service ‘Stations of the Cross’ will be led by our Year 3 and 4 children. This will begin at 9am in the school hall. Everyone is welcome to come along and join us in this thought provoking and reflective service.
Year 5 & 6 River Ouseburn Walk
Year 5 & 6 children will be going on what is quickly becoming the annual walk along the River Ouseburn and through Jesmond Deane. The previous two years walks have been fantastic, lets hope it doesn't rain too much!
Year 5 Rugby Day
Year 5 children are taking part in a ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ activity day at the Falcons Rugby Ground today. We're hoping for good weather!
Kielder Trip
The first deposit for our Kielder trip in September is due by this Friday 26th March. Money can be paid to Mrs Stobbs in the school office. If you are sending a cheque it can be made out to St Mark's RC Primary School.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Woodwork Club
Mrs Stephenson will be starting her Woodwork class again after the Easter break for Year 5 and 6 children Places are limited to 6. The club will run each Tuesday from 3.15pm until 4.15pm.
The cost is £1.00 per week. Names will be chosen on a first come basis. If your child is interested, please write a short note giving permission for them to attend and hand it in to the school office.
The cost is £1.00 per week. Names will be chosen on a first come basis. If your child is interested, please write a short note giving permission for them to attend and hand it in to the school office.
Year 5 Bikeability
A reminder to Year 5 parents who would like their child to take part in the Bikability Training after Easter. Please return your consent forms to Mrs Stephenson by this Friday 26th March. Thank you.
Key Stage 1 Football Sessions
The sessions will begin on Monday 26th April 3.15pm until 4.15p.m, and run for 10 weeks. There will be a cost of £20 per child for the 10 week course. No money is required at present.
Easter Tombola
Dear Parents,
Thank you to everyone who sent in an Easter Egg for our non uniform day on Friday. These will be used for our Easter Tombola next week.
A big thank you to those parents who have already brought in donations for our Easter Fayre next Wednesday 31st March.
Can we ask that all donations are sent into school by Tuesday morning. Thank you for your continued support.
We still urgently need volunteers to help out on the day. Without help these events are really difficult to run. Please leave your name at the office if you are able to help. Thank you.
Thank you to everyone who sent in an Easter Egg for our non uniform day on Friday. These will be used for our Easter Tombola next week.
A big thank you to those parents who have already brought in donations for our Easter Fayre next Wednesday 31st March.
Can we ask that all donations are sent into school by Tuesday morning. Thank you for your continued support.
We still urgently need volunteers to help out on the day. Without help these events are really difficult to run. Please leave your name at the office if you are able to help. Thank you.
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Year 3/ 4 Easter Service
Our Easter Service will take place at 9am on Thursday 1st April, in school.
Everyone is welcome to come along and join us.
Everyone is welcome to come along and join us.
Easter Fayre
Our Easter Fayre will run from 2.30pm until 3.30pm. Everyone is welcome to come along and join us.
We are also have Decorate the Egg competition. Children can decorate an egg and bring it into school from Monday 29th March. All entries will be judged on the day by our cook Mrs Currie.
We are also have Decorate the Egg competition. Children can decorate an egg and bring it into school from Monday 29th March. All entries will be judged on the day by our cook Mrs Currie.
Diary Dates
Thursday March 18th March
Year 1 Class Assembly
Year 1 Parents are invited to attend their child’s class to celebrate their work in Religious Education.
Year 4 Trip
Our Year 4 children will be visiting The Discovery Museum in Newcastle.
Friday 19th March Non uniform day
This Friday we are having a non-uniform day in school. Could we ask your child to donate an Easter Egg. These will be used at our Easter Tombola.
Friends of St. Mark’s meeting Tuesday 23rd March
There is a Friends of St. Mark’s meeting in school. This will being at 6pm. Everyone is welcome to come along, we are always looking for new members. We will be discussing forthcoming events in school.
Wednesday 24th March
Year 5 children will be taking part in a ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ activity day at the Falcons Rugby Ground.
Thursday 25th March
Year 5 & 6 children are visiting Ouseburn where they will be taking a walk by the river.
Year 1 Class Assembly
Year 1 Parents are invited to attend their child’s class to celebrate their work in Religious Education.
Year 4 Trip
Our Year 4 children will be visiting The Discovery Museum in Newcastle.
Friday 19th March Non uniform day
This Friday we are having a non-uniform day in school. Could we ask your child to donate an Easter Egg. These will be used at our Easter Tombola.
Friends of St. Mark’s meeting Tuesday 23rd March
There is a Friends of St. Mark’s meeting in school. This will being at 6pm. Everyone is welcome to come along, we are always looking for new members. We will be discussing forthcoming events in school.
Wednesday 24th March
Year 5 children will be taking part in a ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ activity day at the Falcons Rugby Ground.
Thursday 25th March
Year 5 & 6 children are visiting Ouseburn where they will be taking a walk by the river.
KS1 Football Sessions
After the Easter break we are hoping to start some football sessions for our KS1 boys and girls. (Years 1&2).
The sessions will begin on Monday 26th April 3.15pm until 4.15p.m, and run for 10 weeks. There will be a cost of £20 per child for the 10 week course. If your child is interested could you please write a note giving your permission for them to attend, and hand it to the office. No money is required at present.
The sessions will begin on Monday 26th April 3.15pm until 4.15p.m, and run for 10 weeks. There will be a cost of £20 per child for the 10 week course. If your child is interested could you please write a note giving your permission for them to attend, and hand it to the office. No money is required at present.
Easter Donations
A big thank you to those parents who have already brought in donations for our Easter Tombola on Wednesday 31st March.
Below is a reminder of items to donate;
Teddies for our teddy stall.
Good quality Toys.
Easter theme donations for the Tombola.
Thank you for your support
Volunteers are urgently needed to help out on the day. If you are able to spare some time then please leave your name at the office.
Below is a reminder of items to donate;
Teddies for our teddy stall.
Good quality Toys.
Easter theme donations for the Tombola.
Thank you for your support
Volunteers are urgently needed to help out on the day. If you are able to spare some time then please leave your name at the office.
Church Gates Access to School
As you are aware we open the gates leading from St. Mark’s Church into our yard each morning and afternoon. These gates will now be closed each afternoon at 3.30p.m. If your child attends after school clubs could you please use the main school entrance to collect your child. Thank you.
Monday, 8 March 2010
Good Free Software- Photo Story 3
Photo Story 3 is free software from Microsoft which we use lots in school. Our youngest children can use it to move images around whilst the older children use it to create reports, tell stories, give instructions and lots more. The software is very simple- you place photographs and images into a slideshow, zoom and pan around the images, add text, music, narration and finally save the work so that it can be played through a computer or saved to disc.
You can find out more about Photo Story 3 and download the software from Microsoft by following the link below.
You can find out more about Photo Story 3 and download the software from Microsoft by following the link below.
Friends Of St Marks & Easter Tombola
During the Friends of St Mark’s meeting last week, parents were discussing the forthcoming Easter Tombola, on Wednesday 31st March. There will be a number of stalls on the day. Could we therefore ask for donations of the following;
Teddies for our teddy stall.
Toys, these must be in good condition
Easter theme donations for the Tombola.
Donations can be sent in from now.
We are also looking for volunteers to help out on the day. If you are able to spare some time them please leave your name at the office.
We will also be having a ‘Decorate the Egg’ competition. Further details will follow.
The next Friends of St. Mark’s meeting will be held on Tuesday 23rd March at 6pm.
Teddies for our teddy stall.
Toys, these must be in good condition
Easter theme donations for the Tombola.
Donations can be sent in from now.
We are also looking for volunteers to help out on the day. If you are able to spare some time them please leave your name at the office.
We will also be having a ‘Decorate the Egg’ competition. Further details will follow.
The next Friends of St. Mark’s meeting will be held on Tuesday 23rd March at 6pm.
We are now into the second week of our 4 week attendance initiative run by Mrs Slack. At the end of the four weeks the class who has the highest attendance and punctuality will be in for a special treat!
Last week your child will have brought home a letter regarding another Attendance Incentive which is being run by Newcastle City Council. Children have a chance of winning £50 Debenhams Vouchers. Please support your child.
Last week your child will have brought home a letter regarding another Attendance Incentive which is being run by Newcastle City Council. Children have a chance of winning £50 Debenhams Vouchers. Please support your child.
St Cuthbert's Care
This year during Lent we are encouraging the children to give money from their own pockets as well as from friends and family to support The 5p Bus Project. Ask your child for more information!.
Guitar Lessons
For those children who missed their guitar lesson when school closed because of the snow. The time will be made up by Mr. Patterson if this is not possible a refund will be given.
Non Uniform Day
Thank you to everyone who supported our non uniform day on the 12th February. The total amount raised was £148.00. Half of this money will be donated to the Haiti Appeal. The rest will go towards subsidising school trips.
Monday, 1 March 2010
Under 11 League kicks off
Our under 11 football team kicked the season off last Thursday with three matches. We drew 0-0 with St John Vianney, 2-2 with Newburn Manor and beat St Cuthbert's Kenton 3-0, so a well earned 5 points from our opening fixtures. The next round of the Bishop Cunningham Cup is coming up soon- we'll post details on how we do.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
School Disco
There will be a whole school disco this Thursday 25th February from 6pm - 7.15pm the cost will be £1.25 payable at the door.
World Book Day & St Mark's Bookfair
As mentioned in previous newsletters, to coincide with World Book Day on 4th March we will be holding our Scholastic Bookfair from next Monday 1st March. Times are as follows;
Monday 1st March - 3.15pm - 5.30pm
Tuesday 8.30am-9am 3pm - 4pm
Wednesday 8.30am-9am 3.15pm-5.30pm
Thursday 8.30am-9am 3pm - 4pm
Friday 8.30am-9am 3pm - 4pm
Your child will be given a £1 World Book Day token which can be used at our bookfair. All money raised will be used to purchase new books for school.
Monday 1st March - 3.15pm - 5.30pm
Tuesday 8.30am-9am 3pm - 4pm
Wednesday 8.30am-9am 3.15pm-5.30pm
Thursday 8.30am-9am 3pm - 4pm
Friday 8.30am-9am 3pm - 4pm
Your child will be given a £1 World Book Day token which can be used at our bookfair. All money raised will be used to purchase new books for school.
Year 3 Skipping
Skipping coaches have been in school teaching our Year 3 children skills and tricks in preparation for a citywide festival in March. Further details will follow.
Skipping ropes are available to order at a cost of £3.50. If your child would like to purchase a pair please send your money in to Miss Smith. The skipping ropes will be ordered and delivered in March.
Skipping ropes are available to order at a cost of £3.50. If your child would like to purchase a pair please send your money in to Miss Smith. The skipping ropes will be ordered and delivered in March.
Parent Evenings
Monday 1st March
3.30p.m. - 5.30p.m.
Wednesday 3rd March
4.30p.m. - 6.30p.m.
Appointment sheets are now outside your child’s classroom. If any parent is unable to make these appointments please let me know. I will be available both evenings should you wish to speak to me.
3.30p.m. - 5.30p.m.
Wednesday 3rd March
4.30p.m. - 6.30p.m.
Appointment sheets are now outside your child’s classroom. If any parent is unable to make these appointments please let me know. I will be available both evenings should you wish to speak to me.
Attendance Initiative
We have started our 4 week attendance initiative this week. At the end of the four weeks the class who has the highest attendance and punctuality will be in for a special treat!
Kielder Information Evening
Thursday 25th February - 6pm
Present Year 5 parents are invited to attend a meeting this Thursday 25th February at 6pm (during the disco) to discuss the forthcoming September visit to Kielder. This will give you an opportunity to find out exactly what will happen during the trip.
Present Year 5 parents are invited to attend a meeting this Thursday 25th February at 6pm (during the disco) to discuss the forthcoming September visit to Kielder. This will give you an opportunity to find out exactly what will happen during the trip.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Ofsted Report Online
The report from our recent Ofsted inspection has been published on the Ofsted website, you can get to it by clicking the link below. The overall judgement was that St Mark's is a good school with quite a few outstanding aspects. You can read the report online by clicking Section 5 Inspection or download it by clicking on the Section 5 Inspection as Pdf link.
St Mark's Ofted Report 2010
St Mark's Ofted Report 2010
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Year 5 Class Assembly
Thursday March 4th -Year 5 Class Assembly
Year 5 Parents are invited to attend their child’s class to celebrate their work in Religious Education.
Year 5 Parents are invited to attend their child’s class to celebrate their work in Religious Education.
Parent Evenings
Parent Evenings;
Monday 1st March
3.30p.m. - 5.30p.m.
Wednesday 3rd March
4.30p.m. - 6.30p.m.
There will be an appointment sheet outside your child’s classroom this week. If any parent is unable to make these appointments please let me know. I will be available both evenings should you wish to speak to me.
Monday 1st March
3.30p.m. - 5.30p.m.
Wednesday 3rd March
4.30p.m. - 6.30p.m.
There will be an appointment sheet outside your child’s classroom this week. If any parent is unable to make these appointments please let me know. I will be available both evenings should you wish to speak to me.
World Book Day
To coincide with World Book Day our Scholastic Bookfair arrives in school on Monday 1st March. Your child will shortly receive a £1 token, which can be used at our book fair. Further details to follow.
Friends Of St Mark's
There will be a meeting in school beginning at 6pm. Everyone is welcome to come along.
Non Uniform Day
This Friday there will be a non uniform day in school. (Come as you please!) Could we ask for a donation of £1.00 per child. Half of the money raised will be donated to the Haiti Disaster Appeal, the rest will go towards the cost of school trips. Thank you for your support.
Year 2 Class Assembly
Year 2 Class Assembly—This Thursday 11th February, 9am
Year 2 Parents are invited to join their child’s class to celebrate their work in Religious Education.
Year 2 Parents are invited to join their child’s class to celebrate their work in Religious Education.
Art Club Cancelled
Unfortunately art club will be cancelled this Thursday, but will return again after half term. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Unfortunately art club will be cancelled this Thursday, but will return again after half term. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Early Bird Attendance Initiative
Monday 22nd February is the start of our “Early Bird” attendance initiative which will run for 4 weeks. Your child will be given a chart which they will complete in school each day. The class with the best attendance and punctuality at the end of the 4 weeks will receive a special treat.
Kielder Information Evening
Thursday 25th February - 6pm
We have arranged a residential trip to Kielder Forest in September for our present Year 5 children. Parents are invited to attend a meeting on Thursday 25th February at 6pm (during the disco) . This will give you an opportunity to find out exactly what will happen during the trip. Our present Year 6 children visited last year and had a fantastic time. Please come along and find out more.
We have arranged a residential trip to Kielder Forest in September for our present Year 5 children. Parents are invited to attend a meeting on Thursday 25th February at 6pm (during the disco) . This will give you an opportunity to find out exactly what will happen during the trip. Our present Year 6 children visited last year and had a fantastic time. Please come along and find out more.
SATS Update Tuesday 23rd February.
Parents of Year 6 children are invited to attend a SATS update on Tuesday 23rd February at 5.15pm This will give you a chance to find out what will be happening in the run up to SATS week and to discuss any issues you may have.
Car Parking
Dear Parents,
I am writing once again to ask parents who bring their children to school by car, to park with consideration for the people who live beside our school. I have been informed that one of the local residents is taking photographs of cars which are parked illegally, these will be passed on to the police. We have good relationships with our neighbours, so please park respectfully
I am writing once again to ask parents who bring their children to school by car, to park with consideration for the people who live beside our school. I have been informed that one of the local residents is taking photographs of cars which are parked illegally, these will be passed on to the police. We have good relationships with our neighbours, so please park respectfully
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Thursday March 4th -Year 5 Class Assembly 9am start.
Year 5 Parents are invited to attend their child’s class to celebrate their work in Religious Education.
School Disco
There will be a whole school disco on Thursday 25th February from 6pm - 7.15pm the cost will be £1.25 payable at the door.
Year 5 & 6 Making Movies
Our Year 5 & 6 children will be ‘Making Movies’ on Thursday and Friday 11th and 12th February.
It's all part of the Tyneside Cinema Newsreel project we've been part of and having a great time planning. We're all looking forward to seeing the end products in school!
It's all part of the Tyneside Cinema Newsreel project we've been part of and having a great time planning. We're all looking forward to seeing the end products in school!
Non Uniform Day
Next Friday 12th February there will be a non uniform day in school. Could we ask for a donation of £1.00 per child. Half of the money raised will be donated to the Haiti Disaster Appeal, the rest will go towards the cost of school trips.
Year 2 Class Assembly
Year 2 Parents are invited to join their child’s class to celebrate their work in Religious Education.
E.on Competition
As you know we pride ourselves at St. Mark’s by being eco friendly. We are inviting children and parents to become “Power Savers” by keeping a diary for one week and sharing your best energy saving tactic. This competition is being run by E-on and your child ,and school could win football prizes. You will find the activity sheet and further details on the reverse of this letter.
Five Star Kitchen
We would like pass on congratulations to our Cook Mrs Currie and her team who have been awarded Five Stars on the ‘Scores on the Doors’ a hygiene award run by Newcastle City Council. This confirms what we already knew, that our kitchen has very high standards of compliance with food safety legislation. Demonstrating best practice in managing and achieving this. Well done.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Class Trips
Our Year 4 class will be visiting the George Stephenson Museum in North Shields on Friday 5th February. can you please make sure that all EV7 forms are returned on time.
Early Bird Attendance Incentive
From Monday 22nd February we will be running an attendance incentive which will run for 4 weeks. We will be monitoring attendance and punctuality and a special treat will be given to the class who have the best attendance and punctuality at the end of the 4 weeks. We've had plenty of classes reach 100 % attendance for 1 full week- now we're aiming to have a full school week as close to 100% attendance as we can and lets see if any class can beat 100% attenadnce for 1 week and make it 2 or 3 o reven 4!
'What Can A Parent Do?' sessions
Caroline Slack, our Parent Support Advisor, will be starting her 'What Can A Parent Do?' sessions again. They will begin on Thursday 25th February and run from 1.15pm- 3.15pm. If you would like to join us or would like any further information please call into the office and see Mrs Slack or give her an email or phone call. Everyone is welcome to come along and join in.
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