Monday 4 October 2010

Farewell To Mrs Curry

Dear Parents,

I begin our newsletter this week, with the news that our school cook Angela Currie will be leaving us this Friday, 1st October.

It’s the end of an era for Mrs Currie, who herself attended St Mark’s as a pupil. Who would have thought she would return as our cook, a role she has undertaken so well for the past 10 years. During this time she has served thousands of school dinners, given us fantastic themed lunches including our Italian Day, Black and White Day, and of course Christmas lunches, to name but a few. Mrs Currie has always shown kindness, commitment and dedication to St. Marks, and is a great friend to our children, parents and staff.

She will begin a new chapter in her career from Monday 4th October, taking up her new role as Workforce Development Officer. We will all miss you Mrs Currie, and wish you every success for your future. We sincerely thank you for being a part of our family here at St Mark’s, and hope you will take with you lots of happy and special memories . Good Luck and please stay in touch.

Mrs Elliot and Mrs Davis who currently work in our kitchen will together undertake the role of cook until a replacement is appointed.

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