Monday 4 October 2010

Diary Dates

Monday 4th October. Our Reception class will be in school all day from 8.50am until 3.15pm.

Tuesday 5th October St. Cuthbert’s Catholic High School Open Evening. Parents of boys in our Year 4, 5 and 6 are invited to an Open Evening beginning at 6pm.

Thursday 7th October—Year 6 Assembly for parents. Further information will follow.

Friday 8th October - Non Uniform Day There will be a non uniform day in school, next Friday any child participating is asked to bring in £1.00. All money raised will be used to purchase raffle/tombola prizes for our Christmas Fayre.

Tuesday 12th October Sacred Heart Year 6 Intake Evening. Sacred Heart High school invite parents of our Year 6 girls to an Intake Open Evening. This will begin 6pm until 8pm.

W/C 18th October - Enterprise Week

Wednesday 20th October–Harvest Festival.

Thursday 21st October - Year 6 Class Visit to Sacred Heart High School for ’The Big Sing’ Further information will follow.

Thursday 21st October– School will close for half term as Friday 22nd is a Teacher Training Day.

Monday 1st November. School will reopen.

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