Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Performance.

Important Notice
Due to new fire safety regulations we are now greatly restricted in the number of people who can be in hte school hall at one time. This means that there is no way we could have fitted all the children are parents into the hall for the infants Nativity performance next week. The only way around the situation has been to add an extra performance date- hopefully all parents will be able to make one of he dates available. The play will be performed on Tuesday 8th December at 2pm and again on Wednesday 9th December at 2pm.

Each child will be offered two tickets for the performance, could any parents not needing all their tickets please return any spare to school as soon as possible so that we can pass them on to people who have put their names on the waiting list for more.

Christmas Service

Our Christmas Service will this year be held in St Mark's Church, starting at 9am. Everyone connected with our school is invited to come along to what is a beautiful way to end the school term and prepare for Christmas with our families and loved ones.

Christmas Party Dates

Tuesday 15th December- Years 5 & 6
Wednesday 16th December- reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Thursday 17th December- Years 3 & 4

Children can come to school in their own party clothes on their party day. All food will be provided.

Monday Dance Club

The dance club will be cancelled next week, Monday 7th December. The final session will be on Monday 14th December when the dancers will be performing for their parents at 4pm in the hall. Parents are invited to come along at 4pm to enjoy the final dance performance.

Year 5 & 6 Nativity Play

Don't forget our Year 5 and 6s will be performing their Egyptian Nativity in the school hall on Thursday 10th December. Each child will be given two tickets each for home and we would really appreciate it if any unneeded tickets could be returned to school as soon as possible. Anyone requesting extra tickets is asked to let the class teacher know- names will be placed on a waiting list and drawn from a hat for any any tickets that have been returned. We are limited by law to the number of people we can allow into the hall, this number includes the children who are performing.

Doors open at 5.30pm, curtain raises at 6pm.

Data Collection Sheets

Can we remind parents who have not returned their data collection sheets to do so by Monday 7th December at the very latest. If you have lost forms please call in at the office and get a new set.

Morrisons Vouchers

We've had a fantastic response to our request for Morrisons vouchers- in total you've sent in over 2500 vouchers. This means we are able to send away for more gardening equipment which will be used by the children developing and maintaining our quiet garden area.

Raffle Tickets

Thank you to the parents who have already sent in their raffle ticket money for the big fayre on Friday. We would appreciate it if anyone wishing to purchase any more tickets or pay for the tickets they have could do so by Thursday at the latest. Thank you.
