Monday, 18 October 2010

Friends Of St. Mark's

The Annual General Meeting of the Friends of St. Mark’s will take place in school on Tuesday 9th November at 6pm, everyone is welcome.

Dinner Money This Week

Dinner Money for next week will be £7.60 (4 days). As our Year 6 children are out on Thursday they only need to bring in £5.70 (3 days). All dinner money must come in on Monday. It would be a great help if you could send in the correct money. Thank you.

Sure Start Training & Employment Advice

Sure Start Training and Employment Advice. If you are bringing up children and thinking about going to work, Sure Start at Newbiggin Hall are holding drop in sessions every Friday 1pm—3pm. Call 0191 2142470 fur further details.

Diary Dates

Tonight is Sacred Heart Year 6 Intake Evening. Sacred Heart High school invite parents of our Year 6 girls to an Intake Open Evening. This will begin 6pm until 8pm.

Thursday 21st October - Year 6 Class Visit to Sacred Heart High School for ’The Big Sing’

Please remember your child will need a packed lunch with them for this visit.

Thursday 21st October– School will close for half term at 3.15pm . Friday 22nd is a Teacher Training Day.

Monday 1st November. School will reopen.

Wednesday 3rd November Informal Parents Evening. 3.30pm until 6.30pm There will be an informal Parents Evening in school to discuss how your child has settled into their new class and how their work is progressing. A list of times available will be outside your child’s class.

Thursday 4th November - School Photographs.

Focal Point Photographers will be in school. Further information will be in next week’s newsletter.

Harvest Festival

Next Wednesday morning, 20th October, you are warmly invited to our Harvest Festival Service in school beginning at 9am.

We would appreciate any donations of tinned items (in date please, these can be sent into your child’s class any time from now) and fruit and vegetables for our Harvest table. Fresh produce should be sent in next Tuesday.

If you know someone elderly or ill within our School Parish who would benefit from a Harvest Parcel from St. Mark’s, please write down their name and address, together with your child’s name and hand it in to the school office as soon as possible. Your child will be given a parcel to take to their nominated person. The remainder of donations will be collected by St. Vincent De Paul. Thank you for your support.

Enterprise Week

Dear Parents,
As half term fast approaches, we have a very busy time ahead in school. This Monday is the start of our “Enterprise Week” The CAFOD Theme this year is ‘Put your Heart into it’. The aim is to raise as much money as we can for this charity. Each class will be given a small amount of money to spend; with this money they will buy items to make in class, during Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday afternoon 20th October from 2.30pm, parents are invited to come into school to see what the children have been making and buy the crafts made. We always have a fun and enjoyable time during Enterprise Week.
