Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Diary Dates

May Half Term Holiday

School will close for half term on Thursday 27th May and will reopen on Monday 7th June.

Friday 28th May

Teacher Training Day, school will be closed to children.

Monday 7th June

School re-opens.

Meeting for September Reception Parents. 1.30pm

9th/10th June Cycling Proficiency for Year 4 children.

Further details will follow.

Friday 11th June Whole School Trip to Plessey Woods.

Further information will follow.

Creativity Week 14th June

Thursday 24th June

Year 3 Class Assembly.

Tuesday 13th July-Sports Day

Thursday 15th July Year 6 Leavers Disco

Friday 16th July

School reports out to Parents.

Monday 19th July Parents Evening

3.30pm - 5pm

School will close on Friday 23rd July for the Summer Break.

Further information will follow on the above.

Year 4 Class Assembly

Thursday 27th May Year 4 Class Assembly.

Year 4 Parents are invited to attend their child’s class to celebrate their work in Religious Education..

School Photo

7th May - School Photographer

On Friday 7th May, Focal Point Photography will be in school to take a Whole School Photograph. Our Year 6 children will also have a class photograph taken. We also thought it would be nice for our Reception children to have a class photo taken as a reminder of their first year in school.

5p Bus

Thank you to our children who supported us by sending in donations for the St. Cuthbert’s 5p bus. Thank you also to our Year 1 Teacher Miss Thompson who recently completed a 10 mile coastal run and donated all cash raised to this worthwhile cause. The total amount collected to date is £79.58.

PE Kit

Once again may I remind parents that children must have their P.E. kits and trainers in school each week. P.E. is part of the school curriculum and all children are required to take part. Unfortunately if your child comes to school without their kit, parents will be contacted and asked to bring it into school before the start of their lesson.

Trim Trail In The Morning

A reminder that because of Health and Safety implications children must not use the Trim Trail equipment when they come into school. Children are only allowed to use this when a member of staff is present to supervise.

Reception & Year 6 Coffee Morning

We would like to pass on thanks to everyone who attended our Reception and Year 6 coffee morning on Friday. This proved to be a great success, we raised £108.74 which will be used to subsidise school trips for our children.
