Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Training Day & Half Term

School will break up on Thursday 9th February for our half term break.                    
Friday 10th is a Staff Training day, school will reopen on Monday 20th February.

Lunchtime Ocarina Club

Mrs Smith our Reception class teacher is hoping to begin a lunchtime Ocarina (wind instrument) club for our Year 1 & 2 children.  If your child would be interested, please leave their name at the school office. 

Dinner Money

Please remember, if you child has a paid school meal, dinner money must come into school on a Monday morning.  In line with our school policy, if your child does not have their dinner money in school, parents will be contacted and asked to provide a packed lunch for the rest of the week.  If for any reason you are not able to bring dinner money in on a Monday morning please speak to Mrs.Wilcox our
School Business Manager.    

If your child has been absent  and is having a school meal on their return to school dinner money must come in on the day of their return Your support is greatly appreciated.


We will once again be monitoring punctuality and attendance over the coming term, with your support I am certain that we will continue to improve on our attendance figures.
Please remember if your child is unable to attend school, you must telephone the school office on the first day of absence, so that your child’s teacher can be informed and reasons for absence can be entered onto our system.  Thank you for your support.

Year 4 Class Assembly

On Thursday 26th January, parents and carers of our Year 4 children are invited to attend a class assembly.   Further information will follow.

Year 4 Swimming Lessons

A reminder that Year 4 class will be starting their swimming lessons again tomorrow.  Your child will be bringing an EV7 form home with them tonight for completion.  Can you please return this to school tomorrow.  We also urgently need a number of parent volunteers who would be willing to accompany us as we walk to the baths, this will operate on rota system.  Please call in and see Mrs Boon if you are able to help.  Thank you.                                     

Street Dance After School Club

Next Thursday, 19th January we will be running an after school dance club for our younger children.
The club is run by Dance North East and is open to our  Reception, Year 1 and 2 boys and girls.  This  will run each Thursday 3.15pm until 4.15pm up until Easter.  Children should wear their PE Kit (they do not need trainers/plimsoles) for the session.  If your child is interested and would like to take part, please write a short note giving permission for them to attend and hand it into the school office as soon as possible.  Places are limited  and will be allocated on a first come basis. All sessions are Free!

Contact Information Forms

With the exception of our Reception Class, your child should have brought home a Contact Information form for completion before the Christmas break.  Thank you to those parents who have already returned these to school.  Can I remind parents that forms must be returned to school by Friday.  It is imperative that the information we have regarding your child is up to date.  Thank you.

Recycle your Christmas Cards

As you know we pride ourselves here at St. Mark’s by being an Eco Friendly school.  If anyone has any Christmas cards that they have not yet disposed of, please send them into school, there will be a box in our school hall all cards will be recycled.


Over the Christmas holidays there was a very special delivery for Mrs. Thompson and her family.  Mrs. Thompson gave birth to a beautiful baby girl - Violet.  I am happy to report that both are doing very well.  I am sure we will see the new arrival very soon!

Mr. Murphy will be working with our Year 3 children while Mrs. Thompson is on maternity leave.

10th January 2012 Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer
Welcome back to the start of another term and a new year.  I hope you all had a fabulous and relaxing break!
The staff and myself would like to pass on sincere thanks for all the lovely cards and presents received for Christmas. 
As we begin our new term I am delighted to welcome  M r. Jason Cochrane to our team. As Assistant Head Teacher, he will be working with our Year 4 children each Thursday and Friday and will teach throughout the rest of the school Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  We look forward to working with Mr. Cochrane and wish him a long and happy association with us here at St. Mark’s.
