Thursday, 24 June 2010
North East Project
Key Stage 2 had a fantastic time at the Tyneside Cinema this morning watching all their film and animation work on the big cinema screen. Tomorrow, Friday 25th June, we will be exhibiting all the work we have been doing in school this term and screening our animation and film work. Screenings will be at 9.30am, 10.30am and 2.30pm. You are welcome to come along and join in at any of the screenings and get involved with some interactive art!
Sports Day & Summer Fayre
As our sports day and summer fayre are fast approaching we are asking for volunteers to help set up and run stalls. If you can spare some time please leave your name at the school office. We are also asking for donations of any unwanted gifts, teddy bears or toys that can be used for our stalls. These must be in good condition. Donations can be sent in at any time from now. Thank you for your continued support.
First Holy Communion
On Sunday 27th June at 12 noon, 14 of our children are making their First Holy Communion at St. Mark's Church. Please come along and support our children at this important celebration.
Reception Information Sharing Meeting
Our Reception Parents are invited to a short meeting at 2.30pm on Thursday 15th July. This meeting is to explain the Foundation Stage Profile which will accompany your child's school report in July. Please try and come along. Mrs Smith will be sending further information over the next few days.
World Cup Non Uniform Day
As already mentioned in this weeks newsletter and the letter sent to parents from the parents association, we will be having a non uniform day tomorrow in school. If a child wants to come to school in any World Cup team colours they need to bring a bottle for the school fayre.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
St Mark's Film Festival
Well, the time is here- tomorrow Key Stage 2 will be visiting the Tyneside Cinema to watch the results of all the animation work we have been doing recently. We'll also be holding our big film festival and exhibition in the school hall on Friday.
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