Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Thank You.

Dear Parents,

As the end of term approaches, I would like to pass on thanks to parents and our regular helpers for the continued support you give. We have had a very busy term with OFSTED and RE inspections taking place. I hope you agree after reading the reports that St. Mark’s is a great school to be part of. With your support, we will continue to strive to become outstanding in all areas. Thank you once again for making St. Mark’s a special place.

Mrs Alison Miller

Year 5

A reminder to Year 5 parents, the First Deposit for the September Kielder Visit is now due. Could you please send your deposit into school by tomorrow. Those year 5 children who would like to take part in the Bikeability Training after the Easter Break must have their completed form in school by tomorrow.

KS1 Football- Final Chance!!

KS1 Football. Y1 & 2 Final Reminder

If your child would like to take part in the Football Sessions after Easter, please let us know by tomorrow.

Gaelic Football After School

There will be Gaelic Football sessions for Years 3 & 4 beginning on Monday 19th April, 3.15pm until 4pm. If your child would like to take part, please write a short note giving permission and send it into school tomorrow. There is no charge for this club. Suitable outdoor clothing should be worn.

Year 5 Swimming

After the Easter Break our Year 5 children will no longer be taking swimming lessons each Wednesday morning. The majority of our children have now achieved their 25metre badge, the national requirement. We have therefore decided that for the remainder of this academic year our children will take part in other sporting activities within school.

Easter Fayre and Tombola Wednesday 31st March

Tomorrow is our Easter Fayre this will begin from 2.30pm until 3.30pm. Thank you to everyone who has sent in donations. We still require volunteers, please leave your name at the office if you can help out. Everyone is welcome to come along. All money raised will be used towards funding for school visits.

A reminder that if your child would like to enter the ‘Decorate an Egg’ competition, these will be judged tomorrow by Mrs Currie.

Mr Bob Wood

This Thursday we will be saying goodbye to Bob Wood in his role as lunchtime supervisor. Mr Wood has carried out lunchtime duties at St. Mark’s for over 10 years. I would like to thank him for his commitment and hard work during that time. Although Mr Wood is leaving us, he is not retiring yet! He has taken up a new position which he carries out each morning. Footballers don’t worry, training will carry on as usual!

I am sure staff, children and parents will join me in wishing Mr Wood all the very best for the future. I hope he will take with him many happy memories of his time as a lunchtime supervisor at St. Mark’s.

Parking Patrols

On a solemn note, yesterday we had a visit from the local police. Once again, we were informed complaints are still being received from some of the residents of Shirlaw Close regarding ongoing parking issues. We have been informed that the police will be monitoring the situation and where parking is considered to be inappropriate or a Health and Safety risk, parking tickets will be issued. We once again ask you to park responsibly, and to please consider our neighbours and our children!
