Wednesday, 24 February 2010

School Disco

There will be a whole school disco this Thursday 25th February from 6pm - 7.15pm the cost will be £1.25 payable at the door.

World Book Day & St Mark's Bookfair

As mentioned in previous newsletters, to coincide with World Book Day on 4th March we will be holding our Scholastic Bookfair from next Monday 1st March. Times are as follows;

Monday 1st March - 3.15pm - 5.30pm

Tuesday 8.30am-9am 3pm - 4pm

Wednesday 8.30am-9am 3.15pm-5.30pm

Thursday 8.30am-9am 3pm - 4pm

Friday 8.30am-9am 3pm - 4pm

Your child will be given a £1 World Book Day token which can be used at our bookfair. All money raised will be used to purchase new books for school.

Year 3 Skipping

Skipping coaches have been in school teaching our Year 3 children skills and tricks in preparation for a citywide festival in March. Further details will follow.

Skipping ropes are available to order at a cost of £3.50. If your child would like to purchase a pair please send your money in to Miss Smith. The skipping ropes will be ordered and delivered in March.

Parent Evenings

Monday 1st March

3.30p.m. - 5.30p.m.

Wednesday 3rd March

4.30p.m. - 6.30p.m.

Appointment sheets are now outside your child’s classroom. If any parent is unable to make these appointments please let me know. I will be available both evenings should you wish to speak to me.

Attendance Initiative

We have started our 4 week attendance initiative this week. At the end of the four weeks the class who has the highest attendance and punctuality will be in for a special treat!

Kielder Information Evening

Thursday 25th February - 6pm

Present Year 5 parents are invited to attend a meeting this Thursday 25th February at 6pm (during the disco) to discuss the forthcoming September visit to Kielder. This will give you an opportunity to find out exactly what will happen during the trip.
