Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Diary Dates

Thursday 16th June - Year 3 Class Assembly Parents are invited to come along to our Year 3 Class Assembly this Thursday morning, this will begin at 9am. We look forward to seeing you there.

Wednesday 22nd June and Wednesday 29th June Year 6 Bike right Training

Your child will now have brought home information regarding the above. Please remember to return the consent form to class. Unfortunately if we do not have this form, your child will not be able to take part in these sessions.

Year 4 Cycling Proficiency Thursday 30th June and Friday 1st July We will send out further information with your child shortly.

 5th July - Year 6 Leavers Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral. Further information will follow.

Moving Up Day - Wednesday 6th July Our children will be visiting their new classrooms and meeting their new teachers. We will also be welcoming our new Reception children who will also be in school for their class visit.

Tuesday 12th July Sports day and Summer Fayre. Further information to follow soon.

Reports to Parents. These will be sent out on Friday 15th July.

Parents Evening Monday 18th July. Further details will follow.

Friday 22nd July. Year 6 Leavers Service . Our leavers service will begin at 9am.

Scholastic Bookfair

Our bookfair will run from next Monday 20th June until Thursday 23rd June at the following times; Mornings from 8.30am until 9am. Afternoons from 3pm until 3.45pm All money raised will be used to purchase books for school. Please come along and give your support.

Help Needed!

We urgently need help for our Summer Fayre. If you can help organise or help out on the day please leave your name at the office. Thank you for your support.

Kielder/ Hawkhirst Residential Visit

The final deposit for the trip to Kielder is due next Friday 24th June.  Could we ask that payment be sent into the school office.  Cheques should be made payable to ‘Newcastle City Council’ Thank you.      

Under 9s Football

Our under 9’s football team will be playing this Friday afternoon in the Newcastle Catholic Schools Cup. I am sure you will join me in wishing them luck! Letters giving further information will be home with team players tomorrow.

St. Mark's Pilgrimage Celebration

Parents/Carers are invited to come along to our Northern Saints Exhibition and video this Friday 17th June. There will be 2 sessions at the following times; 9.30am and 1.30pm. Please come along and see for yourselves the fabulous work the children did during our recent creativity week. We look forward to seeing you.
