Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Raffle Prizes

There are still a number of prizes which have not yet been claimed from our Christmas Fayre.  If you have any of the following winning tickets please bring them along to the school office to collect your prize.  Details are as follows;   
Pink 326-330
Pink 21-25
Orange 71-75
Orange 346-350
Orange 166-170
Blue 251-255       

Lolipop Lady

We have been informed by the City Council that at present there will be no Lollipop Lady outside the school gates.  Could  we therefore ask that parents and children  take extra care when crossing the road.  Could we ask parents speak to their children to remind them that there is a crossing further up towards Farne School where they can cross safely.   There may be no quick solution to this problem as we have been told that there is a shortage of patrol crossing staff.   If anyone is interested in becoming a patrol crossing person, please let us know and we will put you in touch with the correct department.

September 2012 Reception Applications

If you have a child who is due to start Reception class next September, the deadline is fast approaching. The closing date is midnight on 15th January 2012.  Late applications could result in you not being offered the first choice of school for your child.

Dinner Money

As we are only at school for 3 days next week, dinner money will be £5.70.  All money must come in on Monday morning.  Thank you for your support.

Dinner Money

As we are only at school for 3 days next week, dinner money will be £5.70.  All money must come in on Monday morning.  Thank you for your support.

Incredible Years Course

A reminder that the Incredible Years course with Caroline Slack will not take place this week.  This will return again on Thursday 12th January and once again will be held at St. Mark’s.                                              

Year 3 & 4 Carol Singing

Our Year 3 & 4 children are going to be really busy this week and next.  They have been invited to sing at local nursing homes in Westerhope this Thursday morning and next Monday afternoon.  Our children will be walking to these venues so please ensure that they are wearing a warm coat/jacket.                                                  

Our Christmas Parties will be held in the  afternoon on the following dates; 
Friday 16th Year 3 & 4 

Monday 19th Year 5 & 6

Tuesday 20th  Reception Year 1 and Year 2                                                                                                                           

Your child may come to school wearing their party clothes.  All food will be provided by school.

Journey to Bethlehem - Tuesday 20th December at 5pm

On Tuesday 20th December, our Year 3 & 4 children will be singing Carols in  our school garden. Parents are invited to come along and join us. We will start at 5pm.   Mulled wine and mince pies will be served afterwards.                                                        

Christmas Carol Service

Parents are invited to come along to our Christmas Service in school next Wednesday morning at 9am.  Please come along we look forward to seeing you.
As you know next Wednesday school will close for our Christmas break.  School will close at the usual time of 3.15pm.   Parents who would like to collect their child early may do so any time after1pm.  The children will go into class as usual for registration after the lunchtime bell rings at 1pm.Can I therefore ask that parents remain outside the school gates until after the children come into school.  Thank you.

Mrs Thompson

Mrs Thompson has asked us to pass on sincere thanks for all the lovely presents, cards and good wishes she received from parents and children last week.
We will let you know as soon as the new baby arrives.

13th December 2011 Newsletter

Northern Rock Street Sale
You may remember during our recent  Enterprise Week our Year 5 & 6 children made some fabulous Christmas gift sets.  Last week some of our children were  invited to sell some of their goodies at  Street sale within The Northern Rock headquarters,  the children were fantastic ambassadors for St. Mark’s and on the day made an incredible £226.30.  Well done!
