Wednesday, 7 September 2011

St Mark’s Newsletter 6th September 2011

Dear Parents/Carers

Welcome back to the beginning of a new academic year. I hope you all had a great summer break despite the dreadful weather!

The staff and I would like to pass on a huge ‘Thank you’ for all the lovely gifts received at the end of term.

As we begin the year, we welcome two new members of staff to St. Mark’s. Mr. Steven Murphy who will be teaching in Year 4 and Miss Jessica Murphy (no relation) who will work as a classroom assistant in Year 3. We wish them well in their new roles.

We also welcome our new Reception children, new starters, parents and carers. We look forward to a long and happy relation ship with you and your children.

School Uniform

I am sure you will agree that all our children look really smart. As we strive to become outstanding in all areas I would like to stress the importance of children continuing to wear the correct uniform. Please remember that shoes are an important part of our uniform and the correct shoes must be worn at all times. Trainers are not school shoes and should not be worn for any other purpose than P.E. May I remind parents that your child’s name should be put into all items of clothing including school coats and jackets. Thank you for your support.

PE Kits

As PE forms part of our school curriculum all children will take part in PE lessons throughout the school week. Kits must be brought into school each Monday and taken home each Friday for washing. (Our Reception class will not be taking PE lessons until after the October half term break).

School Crossing

We have been advised by the City Council that our lollypop lady is currently on holiday until Thursday 22nd September. Can I ask all parents and children to be vigilant when crossing the road.

Year 4 Swimming

Next Wednesday morning our Year 4 children will begin their swimming lessons at the Outer west pool in West Denton. Further information and EV7s will be sent home with your child this week.

Dinner Money
Parents are reminded that if your child takes a paid school meal, dinner money must come in on a Monday morning. All money should be sent into class with your child and not handed into the office. Money or cheques should be in an envelope (used one will do) or money bag clearly marked with your child’s name , class and the amount enclosed.

Banking is carried out each Monday morning, money which comes in late does cause a lot of extra work for the office staff. If you feel you have a problem and are unable to make payment on Monday morning please let me know. If money is not received on a Monday morning then in line with our School Policy, parents are asked to provide a packed lunch for the rest of that week. Children who have not been in school because of illness, should bring their dinner money into school on their return.

Dinner Money can be paid by cheque or cash, and paid either weekly, monthly or termly. Cheques should be made payable to; ’Newcastle City Council’

Hawkhirst Residential Visit:

Our year 6 children who are going to Hawkhirst this Sunday will need to arrive at school for 12 noon. The bus will leave at 12.30 p.m. prompt. It is advised that children eat an early lunch, or late breakfast! The return time will be approximately 2.30—3.00 p.m. on Wednesday but we will endeavour to keep you up to date via text when they are on route.

Facebook Photographs
Worrying information appeared in the press during the holidays and I would like to share it with all parents. It highlighted the important issue of ensuring any social network sites which are used, are used with caution. Photographs of children had been placed on a facebook user’s page and were available to be viewed by anyone, not only invited people. I can see this would cause great concern to any parent who may not be aware of photos being uploaded, albeit, in good faith. Please exercise caution if they are not of your child.

Attendance and Punctuality

One of our aims this year at St. Mark’s is to improve on our attendance. Unfortunately last year we failed to reach our target of 95%
We will be working closely with our Education Welfare Officer and monitoring closely both attendance and punctuality.
We all have our off days but it is amazing sometimes how much better we feel once we are with our friends and in our usual routine.
We would love each class to have 100% attendance each week, but understand that from time to time children do become ill. You know your child if you feel your child is too poorly to attend school then please telephone the office and let us know on the first day of absence . Thank you for your support.

After school clubs

Mr. Wood will be starting his Football Training Sessions again from next week. Details are as follows;

Tuesdays - KS2 (Years 3,4,5 & 6) Boys and Girls. 3.15pm until 4.30pm There are 15 places available. If your child would like to take part please write a short note giving permission for them to attend and hand it in to the school office. The first session will begin on Tuesday 13th September. Places will be offered on a first come basis. There is no charge for this club.

Thursdays Football Team Training Training will take place for our football team each Thursday beginning Thursday 15th. From 3.15pm until 4.30pm.
