School will break up next Friday afternoon 15th April for our Easter break. We will return to school on Tuesday 3rd May, as Monday 2nd is a Bank Holiday.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Whole school trip to Holy Island Monday May 23rd.
After the Easter Break we will be sending out further information, letters and EV7s regarding our forthcoming trip to Holy Island, as part of our Creativity week.
Reception Class Places for September
If your child is due to start Reception Class in September and has been allocated a place at St. Mark’s please remember to complete your acceptance slip and return it to the Admissions and Transfer team at Newcastle City Council as soon as possible. All forms should be sent before 15th April.
Hawkhurst Deposits
A reminder to our Year 5 parents whose children are attending the residential trip to Hawkhirst in September. The first deposit of £50 is due in this Friday 8th April. If paying by cheque please make payable to ‘St. Mark’s RC Primary school’.
Easter Hat Parade
As mentioned in our previous newsletter, this year we are inviting our children to decorate a hat for Easter! This is not just for our girls, we would love to see the boys join in too. So come on let us see how creative you can be! Completed hats should be brought into school on Monday/Tuesday clearly marked with your child’s name. These will then go on display in school.
A Big Thank You
Thank you for supporting our Non Uniform day last Friday, all Easter egg donations will go towards our Easter tombola stall at our Fayre next Thursday morning. We urgently require donations for the following stalls;
Cuddly toys, teddy bears for our cuddly toy tombola. All donations should be sent into school by next Monday
Tea/Coffee/Biscuits/Cakes will be served on the day. I know we have some parents who make fabulous cakes and biscuits, homemade cakes can be brought in on Wednesday. Thank you for your continued support.
Cuddly toys, teddy bears for our cuddly toy tombola. All donations should be sent into school by next Monday
Tea/Coffee/Biscuits/Cakes will be served on the day. I know we have some parents who make fabulous cakes and biscuits, homemade cakes can be brought in on Wednesday. Thank you for your continued support.
SATS week this year is week beginning 9th May, this is a very important time in school especially for our Year 6 children. Parents are asked not to book holidays at this time.
KS1 Football Training (Reception 1 & 2 children)
After the Easter break we will be running Football Coaching Sessions for our younger boys and girls, details are as follows; The sessions will run for 10 weeks, 20 places will be available, these will run each Wednesday beginning 4th May from 3.30pm until 4.30pm. Children should wear their PE kits and trainers. Because the children are smaller could we ask parents whose children take part to help them change into their kit, as we don’t want to miss out on coaching! The sessions will be run by a coach from the NUFC Foundation. The total cost will be £10 payable by 4th May) If your child would like to take part, please write a note giving permission and hand it in to the school office.
Swimming Gala
Congratulations to our Year 4 swimmers who took part in the Outer-west Swimming Gala last week. There was a fantastic team effort and they all swam really well. Well done!
Easter Fayre
Dear Parents/Carers
Thank you to those parents who have volunteered to help out at our Easter Fayre. On Thursday 14th April. Your help is very much appreciated.
Donations for our Fayre can be brought in any time from now. Below is a reminder of the stalls we will be having on the day:
Cuddly Toy Raffle
Teddy Bear/Cuddly toy tombola
Easter egg tombola
Tea/Coffee/Biscuits/Cakes will be served on the day. I know we have some parents who make fabulous cakes, homemade cakes can be brought in the day before. Thank you for your continued support.
Thank you to those parents who have volunteered to help out at our Easter Fayre. On Thursday 14th April. Your help is very much appreciated.
Donations for our Fayre can be brought in any time from now. Below is a reminder of the stalls we will be having on the day:
Cuddly Toy Raffle
Teddy Bear/Cuddly toy tombola
Easter egg tombola
Tea/Coffee/Biscuits/Cakes will be served on the day. I know we have some parents who make fabulous cakes, homemade cakes can be brought in the day before. Thank you for your continued support.
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