Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Reception Writing Meeting

Monday 7th March Reception Class Writing Meeting

Mrs Smith would like to invite our Reception Parents/Carers to come along and learn more about how children learn to write and how you can support and encourage your child at home. The meeting will be held in school at 2.30pm We look forward to seeing you there.

World Tables & Spelling Day

On 1st and 3rd March children in KS2 will take part in a World Maths Day and World Spelling day challenge. This is a truly unique world event and a fantastic way to promote numeracy and spelling within school. Students across the globe will take part in a quest involving maths and spelling questions.

Parent Evening Feedback

Dear Parents/Carers

Thank you to those parents who came to our Parents Evening last week. I would like to also say thank you for the many positive comments I received about St. Mark’s. We really do value your comments and feedback on how you as parents and carers feel about our school and the learning environment your child works in. The areas raised for improvement have been discussed with the Governing Body of St. Marks and we will report back to you in due course.

Car Parking

I am sorry to have to raise once again the subject of parking at the beginning and the end of the school day. Last week there was an incident outside the school gates where two cars collided. Fortunately on this occasion no-one was injured. May I please ask parents to park with care and consideration of other drivers, the residents of Shirlaw Close and of course our children, whose safety is paramount. I have also noticed that some parents while waiting to collect children are parking in the yellow box directly outside the school gates, this must be kept clear at all times. Thank you for your co-operation.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Wednesday 9th February 1pm Reception Parents Stay and Play

Our Reception parents are invited to come along and find out how your child learns as they play. You can find out more about the Early Years Foundation Stage and how your child is assessed as the year goes on. Please come along tomorrow from 1pm, we look forward to seeing you then.

Year 1 Class Assembly

Our Year I parents are invited to join the children in class to celebrate their work in RE. Please try and come along, we look forward to seeing you there.

Year 3 Skipping

Our Year 3 children will be taking part in a skipping festival next Wednesday at Westgate Centre for Sport. Please make sure that your child has returned their EV7 form to school, they must also have their PE kit in school for this event.

Year 5 & 6 Beamish Trip

Next Tuesday our Year 5 & 6 children will be visiting Beamish Museum where they will become ‘Evacuees' for the day. Please remember your child will need their packed lunch, unless you have requested school to provide a lunch for them.

Lunchtime Trumpet Club

Following on from our KS2 Trumpet lessons in school , Mrs Smith our Reception class teacher is now running a Trumpet Club for year 5 and 6 children. This takes place each Monday at 12.30pm if you would like to join please see Mrs Smith.

Cake Sale

Thank you to all those parents who kindly sent in cakes (and baked for us) for our cake stall last week. We raised a brilliant £58.20 This money was taken to The Christingle Service at St. Mary’s Cathedral which our Year 5 children attended and donated to the DePaul UK charity. Thank you for your support.

Picking Yor Children Up After School

I would like to remind parents/carers that if you are unable to collect your child from school for whatever reason, you must inform either the class teacher or the school office and let them know the name of the person picking up your child. I am aware that sometimes unexpected situations arise which means you are not able to collect your child at the end of the day. In these instances you must telephone school and let the office know who will collect your child. We as a school are responsible for the safety of our children and we will not let your child leave with anyone else without your authority. Thank you for your understanding and support.

