Thursday, 20 October 2011


Below are the Attendance figures for last week. 
Reception                                 94.7%
Year 1                                        97.3%
Year 2                                        94.0%
Year 3                                        96.0%
Year 4                                        93.3%
Year 5                                        96.8%
Year 6                                        97.8%
The overall attendance for these classes was 95.6%. Well done to our Year 6 class who had the highest attendance, and have earned an extra playtime.   Attendance figures are slowly on the increase. 
As you know we  work closely  with Education Welfare to improve our attendance and punctuality.  At the end of each half term we will be looking at those children whose attendance has fallen below 90%, and writing to parents whose children fall into this category.
I appreciate we have had a number of children who have been on holiday during this first half term, which of course has had an impact on their attendance and the overall school attendance.   I am sure with your support we will as the year goes on,  achieve and surpass our target.  Thank you.
Due to cut backs at Newcastle City Council we no longer have the 100% attendance initiatives we used to take part in each term.  I feel it is very important that all children who achieve 100% attendance each term are recognised.  At the end of each full term, children who have full attendance will be entered into a draw to win a prize.  Further information will follow.

Half Term

School will break for half term this  Friday afternoon at the usual time of 3.15pm.  We will return on Monday 31st October. 

Free Adult Language Classes

St. Cuthbert’s High School are hosting a series of language classes for adults which are free of charge.  Classes offered are in Spanish, German, French and Italian.  These will begin on Thursday 3rd November and run for six weeks from 6.30pm until 8.30pm for if you would like further details please call into the office for an application form.

Parents Evening

As mentioned on last weeks newsletter after half term there will be a chance for you to come into school to see your child’s teacher and discuss their progress, and how they have settled into their new class.  A sheet showing times available is now  outside your child’s classroom. 
Dates are as follows;                                                                                         Thursday3rd November  3.30pm - 5.30pm                                                      Monday 7th November 4.30pm –6.30pm

Enterprise Week

Our children are having a great time so far this week making all sorts of interesting and lovely goodies!  There will be a sale of all the items our children have made this  Friday afternoon in school beginning at 1.30pm.  All money raised will be sent off to CAFOD, one of the charities St. Mark’s supports.


You may be aware of the Evening Chronicle ‘Make a Wish Campaign’ currently running at the moment.  We have been approached by Newcastle United Foundation who have asked us if we will support them by collecting tokens.  Tokens appear each day until Saturday 14th January. 
Over the years, we have benefited greatly from free coaching and learning from the Foundation.  Their coaches have come into school, worked with our children, using football to encourage learning and promoting healthy lifestyles.  If you buy the Chronicle and would like to support this cause, please send your tokens into Mrs. Grey our Year 1 teacher.   Thank you.

Newsletter 18TH OCTOBER 2011

Harvest Festival Friday 21st October

Parents are invited to join us for our Harvest Service this Friday morning, could we ask that everyone be seated by 9am please . The children have all worked really hard in preparation for our service, we look forward to seeing you there.

Thank you to those parents who have already sent in vegetables for Harvest. Each year we receive fantastic donations of fruit, vegetable and tinned goods. If you would like to send in a donation could we ask that these are handed in to your child’s class by Thursday.
