Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Year 5 Class Assembly

Thursday March 4th -Year 5 Class Assembly

Year 5 Parents are invited to attend their child’s class to celebrate their work in Religious Education.

Parent Evenings

Parent Evenings;

Monday 1st March

3.30p.m. - 5.30p.m.

Wednesday 3rd March

4.30p.m. - 6.30p.m.

There will be an appointment sheet outside your child’s classroom this week. If any parent is unable to make these appointments please let me know. I will be available both evenings should you wish to speak to me.

World Book Day

To coincide with World Book Day our Scholastic Bookfair arrives in school on Monday 1st March. Your child will shortly receive a £1 token, which can be used at our book fair. Further details to follow.

Friends Of St Mark's

There will be a meeting in school beginning at 6pm. Everyone is welcome to come along.

Non Uniform Day

This Friday there will be a non uniform day in school. (Come as you please!) Could we ask for a donation of £1.00 per child. Half of the money raised will be donated to the Haiti Disaster Appeal, the rest will go towards the cost of school trips. Thank you for your support.

Year 2 Class Assembly

Year 2 Class Assembly—This Thursday 11th February, 9am

Year 2 Parents are invited to join their child’s class to celebrate their work in Religious Education.

Art Club Cancelled


Unfortunately art club will be cancelled this Thursday, but will return again after half term. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Early Bird Attendance Initiative

Monday 22nd February is the start of our “Early Bird” attendance initiative which will run for 4 weeks. Your child will be given a chart which they will complete in school each day. The class with the best attendance and punctuality at the end of the 4 weeks will receive a special treat.

Kielder Information Evening

Thursday 25th February - 6pm

We have arranged a residential trip to Kielder Forest in September for our present Year 5 children. Parents are invited to attend a meeting on Thursday 25th February at 6pm (during the disco) . This will give you an opportunity to find out exactly what will happen during the trip. Our present Year 6 children visited last year and had a fantastic time. Please come along and find out more.

SATS Update Tuesday 23rd February.

Parents of Year 6 children are invited to attend a SATS update on Tuesday 23rd February at 5.15pm This will give you a chance to find out what will be happening in the run up to SATS week and to discuss any issues you may have.

Car Parking

Dear Parents,

I am writing once again to ask parents who bring their children to school by car, to park with consideration for the people who live beside our school. I have been informed that one of the local residents is taking photographs of cars which are parked illegally, these will be passed on to the police. We have good relationships with our neighbours, so please park respectfully
