Monday, 8 March 2010

Good Free Software- Photo Story 3

Photo Story 3 is free software from Microsoft which we use lots in school. Our youngest children can use it to move images around whilst the older children use it to create reports, tell stories, give instructions and lots more. The software is very simple- you place photographs and images into a slideshow, zoom and pan around the images, add text, music, narration and finally save the work so that it can be played through a computer or saved to disc.
You can find out more about Photo Story 3 and download the software from Microsoft by following the link below.

Friends Of St Marks & Easter Tombola

During the Friends of St Mark’s meeting last week, parents were discussing the forthcoming Easter Tombola, on Wednesday 31st March. There will be a number of stalls on the day. Could we therefore ask for donations of the following;

Teddies for our teddy stall.

Toys, these must be in good condition

Easter theme donations for the Tombola.

Donations can be sent in from now.

We are also looking for volunteers to help out on the day. If you are able to spare some time them please leave your name at the office.

We will also be having a ‘Decorate the Egg’ competition. Further details will follow.

The next Friends of St. Mark’s meeting will be held on Tuesday 23rd March at 6pm.


We are now into the second week of our 4 week attendance initiative run by Mrs Slack. At the end of the four weeks the class who has the highest attendance and punctuality will be in for a special treat!

Last week your child will have brought home a letter regarding another Attendance Incentive which is being run by Newcastle City Council. Children have a chance of winning £50 Debenhams Vouchers. Please support your child.

St Cuthbert's Care

This year during Lent we are encouraging the children to give money from their own pockets as well as from friends and family to support The 5p Bus Project. Ask your child for more information!.

Guitar Lessons

For those children who missed their guitar lesson when school closed because of the snow. The time will be made up by Mr. Patterson if this is not possible a refund will be given.

Non Uniform Day

Thank you to everyone who supported our non uniform day on the 12th February. The total amount raised was £148.00. Half of this money will be donated to the Haiti Appeal. The rest will go towards subsidising school trips.
