Thursday, 26 January 2012


Well done to our Year 6 class who achieved full attendance last week, they have earned themselves an extra break this week. 

Teacher Training Day and Half Term

A reminder that there is a teacher training day on Friday 10th February .  School will therefore close for half term on Thursday 9th February at the usual time of 3.15pm  and will reopen on Monday 20th February.

Newsletter 24th January 2012

We have had a lovely start to our week.  Yesterday we welcomed Mr. Rob Nichols and Alistair Wilson from the Eco team at Newcastle City Council.  They attended our Monday morning assembly and officially   presented us with our brand new ‘Eco Green Flag’.
Achieving this status does not come easy, I would like to thank all staff and children for all their hard work in enabling us to have our flag flying once again.

Thank you

I have been asked by Mrs. Smith and Mrs Gray to pass on sincere thanks for all the toys and games which have been sent in for our Reception and Year 1 children to use in class.  These have been gratefully received.

Clover out of School Club

Do you have a problem with childcare either in the morning or at the end of the school day?  We are sending information home with your child regarding the Clover out of School Club which is run from Farne Primary School.  The cost of sessions  and contact information for the club is on the leaflet.

Stop Look and Listen!

A reminder that we still have no lollipop person outside our school gates.  Please be vigilant when crossing the road.  Hopefully this situation will be resolved soon.  We will keep you informed.

Drama and Dance Sessions

There are still a number of places left on the Drama and Dance sessions which will be starting soon.   Miss Jodie Short a trainee dance teacher, will be running a short drama and dance club in school    Details are as follows;  The sessions will run for 3 consecutive nights Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 6th 7th and 8th February from 3.15pm – 4.15pm.  Only 15 places are available, these sessions are open to our Y1,2 and 3 children (boys and girls).  If your child is interested in taking part, please write a short note , mark it Drama & Dance, and hand it into the school office.  Places will be allocated on a first come basis. Children should wear their PE Kit for the sessions.

Reception 1 & 2 Street Dance Club
The first session of our Street Dance Club took place last Thursday, all the children in Group 1 had a fantastic time.  The second session is same time, 3.15pm until 4.15pm this Thursday. 
I have heard we have  some great talent in the group!
