Monday, 15 November 2010

Change 4 Life

As you know at St. Mark’s we pride ourselves on being a Healthy School.  You may have heard about the Change 4 Life healthy living initiative which is being run by Newcastle City Council and the NHS.  A programme of fun based activities are currently running for children aged 8-16 years old.  If you would like further information leaflets are available outside the school office.  Or you can contact ; Newcastle Physical Activity Team on 0191 -2788558 or email                                                                             

Samaritans Purse Shoebox Appeal

Thank you to those parents who are supporting this worthwhile cause and have already sent in their shoeboxes.   Can we ask that all boxes  sent into your child’s class by next Friday 19th November at the latest as donations will be collected on 22nd November. Please remember to include £2.50 for transportation costs. We do need still need empty shoeboxes, please send these in to Miss Smith our Year 3 Teacher. Thank you for your continued  support.

School Christmas Lunch 15th December

On Wednesday 15th December our children will have their Christmas lunch. If your child usually brings a packed lunch but would like to have a Christmas Lunch, please write a short note with their name, class, £1.90 lunch money and hand it into the office. Names should be handed in by Monday 15th November at the latest. Children who usually have a school lunch do not need to send in their name.

Christmas Fayre—Friday 10th December

As our Christmas Fayre fast approaches, could we ask for donations of the following for our stalls;

Teddies, unwanted gifts for our tombola, good quality toys, games etc donations can be sent in from now. We urgently need helpers who would be able to give up their time to help with the organising of our Fayre and to help out on a stall on the day. The Friend’s of St. Mark’s do a fantastic job, but without volunteers to help we simply cannot run these fundraising events. Please leave your name at the office if you are able to help. Thank you for your continued support.

Parking Outside School

Parents are reminded to be vigilant when dropping their children off by car. No parking is allowed in the yellow box just outside the school gates. Please ensure that you park with care and consideration as the safety of our children is paramount. Thank you.
Dear Parents,

Last Thursday was very special day for us at St. Mark’s. The children were so excited meeting Bishop Seamus Cunningham and spending the morning with him in school. We began the day by attending church. Parents and Friends of St. Mark’s joined us to celebrate mass with the Bishop in St. Mark’s Church at 9.30am. The mass was very reflective and the children were fantastic. Bishop Seamus blessed the jigsaw we made to be shared between each class in school, St. Mark's Church and Bishop Seamus himself.
