Thursday, 5 May 2011

Diary Dates

Wednesday 18th May - Reception and Year 6 photographs

Thursday 19th May - Reception Class Assembly - further information will follow.

Week Commencing 23rd May - Creativity Week

Monday 23rd May - Whole school trip to Holy Island. Letters and EV7 forms will be sent out this week.

Friday 27th May school closes for half term. We will reopen on Tuesday 7th June, Monday 6th June is an extra days holiday in lieu of the Royal Wedding taking place during our Easter break.

Monday 20th June - Bookfair. Further information will follow.

Year 4 Cycling Proficiency 30th June and 1st July. Further information will follow.

Tuesday 12th July Sports day and Summer Fayre.


School closes for the summer break Friday 22nd July.

KS1 Football Training (Reception 1 & 2 children, boys and girls) The NUFC coaching sessions will begin tomorrow 4th May, 3.30pm until 4.30pm. Thank you to those who have already paid their £10 may I remind parents that payment is due by tomorrow. Thank you.

Football Team Training with Mr. Wood Mr Wood will be starting his team football training again this week details are as follows; Wednesdays; Girls and Under 9s Thursdays boys Under 11s. 3.15pm until 4.30pm.

PE Kit

Now that the better weather is hopefully here to stay some of our PE lessons will be taken outside. Please make sure that your child has their trainers with them for these lessons. It is also important that your child has their drinking water bottle in school.

Kielder Trip

A reminder to parents that the second deposit of £50 for the Kielder residential trip in September will be due by Friday 20th May. If paying by cheque, please make payable to ‘St. Mark’s RC Primary School’.

SATs Week

Next week is SATS week in school. It is imperative that all Year 6 children attend school at this important time. We will be running a breakfast club all next week for our year 6 children, further information regarding the club will be sent home with your child. We wil be following the timetable below except on Friday 13th May as we have not been selected to complete the optional Science Test this year.

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Easter Fayre, the total amount raised was a brilliant £492.00. This money will be used by the Friends of St. Mark’s to subsidise trips etc., for school. I would also like to pass on thanks for donations given at our Easter service and for all the 5 pence pieces the children sent in during Lent. We will let you know how much was raised in due course.

Care In The Sun

During the fine and sunny weather, can I ask you to apply suncream to your child/ren before they come into school. Children are also advised to wear a sunhat/cap during the hot weather. If your child takes medication for hay fever, please remember to administer this before they come to school. Thank you for your support.
