Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Jobs and Training

Are you looking to return to work, for new job opportunities or information about CV writing and interview skills?

Sure Start Outer West Children’s Centres work in partnership with Job Centre Plus to ensure that you have up to date information about job vacancies.
They have recently installed an iStop Kiosk in the Gala Field Centre which allows you to search current job vacancies in the local area. This is a free service available to all parents and carers.

Jobcentre Plus can offer

• Assessing your benefits if you return to work

• Job hunting

• Training

• Applying for work

• Lone parent Support
• Benefit entitlements
• Making a claim
• Support for thr disabled

Newcastle Futures can help with training and finding employment such as;
• Helping you move into work
• Financial incentives to help ease the move from benefits to wages
• Support you whilst in work

A representative from Newcastle Futures is at Sure Start Newbiggin Hall Children’s centre every Friday 1-3pm

Monday, 17 January 2011

New Year Attendance and Punctuality;

As mentioned in previous Newsletters we will be closely monitoring both attendance and punctuality throughout this year. Getting your child into school on time is extremely important, children who are late are often anxious about going into their class and may have missed important information regarding what is happening throughout the day. Your support in getting your child into school is vital. If you know your child is going to be late for whatever reason, could you please let us know. If your child is absent due to illness please let the school office know on their first day of absence.

Next week we will once again let you know the weekly class attendance figures. The week has started off brilliantly with almost everyone in school.

Can I ask that all children use their own entrance door when coming into school each morning. With the exception of our Reception class, unless your child is a morning helper no children should be in school before the bell goes at 8.50am. However, if the weather is extreme ,children will be allowed in before the bell goes.

Thank you for your support.

Year 5 Class Assembly

Our Year 5 children will be having their Class Assembly later this month further information will follow.

Incredible Years Course

For those parents who have shown an interest in taking part in the Incredible Years course which is due to being this month, Mrs Slack our Parent Support Advisor will be in touch with you shortly to give you further information.

Year 6 visit to Centre for Life

This Friday 21st January our Year 6 children will be visiting the Centre for Life in Newcastle to take part in a Maths Workshop. Further information will follow.

Year 3 Skipping

This Wednesday our Year 3 children will be taking part in skipping training in school, please make sure that their PE kit is in school and that your child also has their trainers/sandshoes with them.

PE Kit

A reminder that children must have their PE kits in school. Kits should be brought into school each Monday and taken home to wash on Fridays. As PE is part of the National Curriculum it is essential that your child has this in school for their lesson. If a child does not have their PE kit in school for their lesson, parents will be contacted and asked to bring this into school.

Recycle Your Old Cards & Phones

Please remember, there is a box in school for any Christmas cards you would like to send in for recycling.

We are also still collecting old mobile phones for recycling, so if you received a new mobile phone for Christmas and would like to send in your old phone please send this in to Miss Smith our Year 3 teacher.

St. Mark's Mass times

There is now only one Mass at St. Mark’s Church on Sundays, this will begin at 9a.m.
