Friday, 18 March 2011

Non Uniform Day—Bring an Easter Egg

On Friday 1st April we are having a non uniform day in school. Those children who would like to take part are asked to donate a small Easter egg. All donations will go towards our Easter egg tombola at our Easter Fayre.

Year 2 Assembly

Year 2 Parents are invited to join the children in class to celebrate their work in RE. Please try and come along, we look forward to seeing you there.

Mother's Day

Thursday 31st March

Reception Class Mothers’ Day Tea 2.15pm

On Thursday 31st March Reception Class Mums and Grandmas are invited to come into school and be spoiled by the children. We look forward to seeing you there, you will be in for a real treat!!

Year 6 visit to Diocesan Youth Village Consett 24 & 25th March.

Thank you to those parents who have already paid for the forthcoming Youth Village trip. A reminder that all money must be paid by this Friday 18th March. Please remember completed EV7 and photo consent forms should now be in school.

Easter Fayre

Our Easter Fayre is fast approaching. This will be held in school on Thursday 14th April. We will need volunteers to help prepare for the fayre and also to help to run a stall on the day. If you have any free time and feel you could help please leave your name at the office. Thank you for your support.

Healthy Lunches

Dear Parents/Carers

Here at St. Mark’s we pride ourselves on being a Healthy School and are always looking for ways to promote this. However, while many of our children are bringing in a ’healthy lunchbox’ there are some children who are bringing in food which is not suitable. I have noticed that fizzy pop, chocolate bars, cakes etc are regularly eaten at lunchtime.

It’s very important to make sure the lunchboxes that our children bring to school provide a healthy, balanced lunch.

This means plenty of foods that contain the nutrients that children need, and fewer foods that are high in sugar and saturated fat.

Packed lunches don't have to be boring. They can be fun, healthy and tasty too. Just

include something from each of the four main food groups, put in a drink (no fizzy drinks) and away you go!

Starchy foods. These are bread, rice, potatoes and pasta, and others.

Protein foods. These are meat, fish, eggs, beans and others.

A dairy item. This could be cheese or yoghurt.

Vegetables or salad, and a portion

Of fruit

Thursday 31st March Year 2 Class Assembly

Year 2 Parents are invited to join the children in class to celebrate their work in RE. Please try and come along, we look forward to seeing you there.

St. Cuthbert’s Catholic High School Modern Foreign Languages Classes.

We have been asked by Ct. Cuthbert’s High School to pass on information regarding a series of Language Classes which they will be running, there is no cost for these sessions. Classes will run from Wednesday 9th March, further information is available from our school office or you can call St. Cuthbert’s direct on 0191 27445410.

Mobile Phone Recycling

Thank you to those parents/children who sent in their old mobile phones for recycling. We have received a cheque for £63.00 which will be used towards subsidising trips etc. Thank you for your support.

Tesco Vouchers

We are, once again collecting Tesco Vouchers in school , thank you to those parents who are already sending these in, please keep them coming!
