Thursday, 1 December 2011

Family Craft Sessions

Because school is closed tomorrow, Caroline Slack will be holding her remaining two family craft club sessions on Wednesday 7th and 14th  December.

Carol Singing

Our Year 3 & 4 children are going to be really busy over the next couple of weeks.  They will be visiting two of our local Nursing Homes to sing for the residents.  Details are as follows;
Thursday morning15th December  at Wheatfield Court and Sovereign Court Nursing Homes.
Monday afternoon19th December at     Sovereign Lodge Nursing home.                 
Further information will be sent home with your child nearer the time.                                   

Christmas Plays

Christmas Plays                                                                                                           A letter giving further information regarding plays and tickets will be coming home with your child this week.                                                            
Reception, Y1 & 2  Tuesday 13th December at 2pm and Thursday 15th December 9.30am
KS2 (Year s 5&6)  Wednesday 14th December 2pm & Thursday 15th December 6pm.                                                                 

Evening Carol Service 5pm - 20th December

Further information will follow  soon regarding our evening Carol Service.
School will break up on Wednesday 21st December for the Christmas break, and will reopen on Monday 9th January 2012

Christmas Fayre

I would once again like to thank you all for the tremendous support shown in the run up to our Christmas Fayre.  Through donations and your generosity there are some great prizes to be won in our raffles. 
                                                                                                                                                                               Raffle tickets are being sold this week on the school yard.     
As you know our Fayre will begin at 1.15pm this Friday afternoon.    The children will go into class as usual for registration, after the lunchtime bell rings at 1pm.  Can I therefore ask that parents do not arrive to school before 1pm.   After registration you will then be able to collect your child from their classroom and take them into the Fayre.                                                                                                                                                Anyone who would like to donate cakes are asked to bring these in on Friday morning.

Could those  parents who have volunteered to help out  come into school as early as possible on Friday (late morning if possible). Once again thank you all for your support.

Street Dance

This Thursday  is the last week of our Street Dancing Club, parents of those children  have attended each week are invited to come along at 4pm to see a short performance by the children.
We intend to start a KS1 after school Dance club after the Christmas Break, more information will follow in January.

Silver Stars

This week we are writing names on silver stars to remember loved ones who have died.  They will hang on our Christmas Tree.  Please chat to your child about the people you would like to remember as a family.
