Thursday, 12 May 2011

School Uniform

Dear Parents/Carer

I have noticed recently that some children are coming into school wearing their yellow PE shirts. Can I remind parents that the yellow polo shirts should be worn for PE only. Children are expected to wear either a white polo shirt or white cotton shirt as part of their school uniform. I have also noticed a growing number of children wearing trainers in school. These should only be worn for PE. Appropriate school shoes should be worn in line with our school policy. Your support in this matter is appreciated.

Please remember in line with our Health and Safety policy, earrings are not allowed to be worn in school. If your child comes to school wearing earrings, they will be asked to remove them, if they are unable to do this themselves, parents will be contacted and asked to come and take them out.

Thank you.

Holiday Dates

On Friday 27th May school closes for half term. We will reopen on Tuesday 7th June, Monday 6th June is an extra days holiday in lieu of the Royal Wedding taking place during our Easter break.

Tuesday 12th July Sports day and Summer Fayre.

School closes for the summer break Friday 22nd July.

Monday 23rd May - Whole school trip to Holy Island.

Can I remind parents that completed EV7 forms should have now been handed in to your child’s class. Children will be unable to go without a completed consent form.  I am sure you will appreciate the rising price of diesel has had a huge impact on transport costs which of course reflects in the cost of our trips.  However we are trying to keep costs to school to  a minimum by asking for voluntary contributions as follows;  £5.00 per child, and £2.50 thereafter for each additional sibling  attending St. Mark’s eg.,  - 2 children, the cost is £7.50, 3 children £10.00 etc.,.  Without enough support school would be unable to give children  this type of experience.

Creativity Week

We have some fantastic activities planned for our children during our Creativity Week! This will, I am sure be a welcome break for all our children who have, as usual, been working really hard.

Thursday 19th May - Reception Class Assembly 9am

Our Reception class parents are invited to join the children in class to celebrate their work in RE.  Please try and come along, we look forward to seeing you.

Reception & Year 6 Photos

Next Wednesday Focal Point Photographers will be in school. We thought it would be  nice for our Reception children to have a class photograph taken as a keepsake of their first year in school.  Year 6 children will also have a class photo taken this will also be a great keepsake for parents. 

Kielder Trip

Thank you to those parents who have paid their second deposit for the Year 6 residential trip to Kielder in September. Payment is due by Friday 20th May. If paying by cheque, please make payable to ‘St. Mark’s RC Primary School’. Thank you.

Good Shepherd Appeal

Thank you so much for the support given during our Good Shepherd Appeal throughout Lent. The total amount raised was £76.83. This money will be sent off to St. Cuthbert’s Care.

Sacred Heart Summer School

We have received information from Sacred Heart regarding their Technology and Performing Arts Summer School which runs the first week of the summer holidays. This is open to year 6 boys and girls who are will be attending either Sacred Heart or St. Cuthbert’s High Schools in September. Further information and application forms are available from Mrs Curtis. Please note these sessions are free, the closing date for applications is Tuesday 24th May.
