I am sure you have read in the press that discussions have been taking place regarding proposed Industrial Strike Action which may take place on 30th November. At present I am unable to confirm whether or not St. Mark’s will be affected. I will however keep you informed.
Friday, 11 November 2011
Reception 2012 Applications
If you have a child who is due to start Reception Class next September. A reminder that your application should be completed by January 15th 2012. Late applications could result in you not being offered your first school choice.
Below are the Attendance figures for last week .
Reception 92.6%
Year 1 93.5%
Year 2 98.7%
Year 3 93%
Year 4 93.7%
Year 5 98.7%
Year 6 96.7%
The overall school attendance was 95.3%. Please help us to maintain and exceed this figure. Well done to our Year 2 and Year 5 classes who had the highest attendance, and have earned an extra playtime.
Free School Meals
Your child will have brought home a letter regarding the uptake of free school meals.
Are you entitled? We have written to you to ensure that those parents who are entitled to apply for free school meals for their child, have the option to do so. Even if your child is entitled, but prefers to bring a packed lunch to school, please support us by applying. Schools receive funding in many ways one of which takes into account the number of free school meals which have been applied for. It is therefore important to us that you support us by applying.
If you would like further information, or would like to collect an application form, please call into the school office.
Football Sessions with Mr. Wood
Mr. Wood has informed us that after school football sessions will run until the end of this month, then break for the winter. If in the meantime the weather is poor, and sessions need to be cancelled then we will inform you via txt.
Dates for your Diary
Wednesday 16th November Reception Class Stay and Play 1pm Reception parents are invited to come and spend the afternoon in school next Wednesday afternoon. You can find out how your child learns through play. We look forward to seeing you then.
Thursday 24th November Y5 Assembly for Parents
Our Year 5 parents are invited to attend a Class Assembly. This will begin at 9am. We look forward to seeing you there.
Christmas Lunch Reminder
A reminder to those children who currently bring a packed lunch to school but would like a Christmas Lunch on Wednesday 14th December, (this also applies to those children in receipt of free school meals who have a packed lunch) that names and payment of £1.90 should be handed in to the school office by this Friday 11th November. (No payment is required for those children in receipt of free meals)
Unfortunately we are unable to take names after the cut off date as our cook Mrs Elliott needs to pre order Christmas food and have dinner numbers well in advance.
Dear Parent/Carer
This Thursday morning the Friends of St. Mark’s will be holding a meeting in school to discuss the future of the group. The meeting will begin at 9am.
As I am sure you are aware, the Friends of St. Mark’s do a fantastic job ,organising and running events in school, without them these simply could not take place! All money raised by The Friends of St. Mark’s comes back into school and is used to subsidise trips and other events in and out of school for our children.
They urgently need more help, as numbers of volunteers have dropped dramatically. Without new members unfortunately the group will have no alternative but to cease.
You could make a difference! We are not asking for help every day or every week. Over the academic year we may ask for 10/15hours of your time .
Please come along on Thursday and support us. Thank you.
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