Thursday, 4 February 2010

Thursday March 4th -Year 5 Class Assembly 9am start.

Year 5 Parents are invited to attend their child’s class to celebrate their work in Religious Education.

School Disco

There will be a whole school disco on Thursday 25th February from 6pm - 7.15pm the cost will be £1.25 payable at the door.

Year 5 & 6 Making Movies

Our Year 5 & 6 children will be ‘Making Movies’ on Thursday and Friday 11th and 12th February.

It's all part of the Tyneside Cinema Newsreel project we've been part of and having a great time planning. We're all looking forward to seeing the end products in school!

Non Uniform Day

Next Friday 12th February there will be a non uniform day in school. Could we ask for a donation of £1.00 per child. Half of the money raised will be donated to the Haiti Disaster Appeal, the rest will go towards the cost of school trips.

Year 2 Class Assembly

Year 2 Parents are invited to join their child’s class to celebrate their work in Religious Education.

E.on Competition

As you know we pride ourselves at St. Mark’s by being eco friendly. We are inviting children and parents to become “Power Savers” by keeping a diary for one week and sharing your best energy saving tactic. This competition is being run by E-on and your child ,and school could win football prizes. You will find the activity sheet and further details on the reverse of this letter.

Five Star Kitchen

We would like pass on congratulations to our Cook Mrs Currie and her team who have been awarded Five Stars on the ‘Scores on the Doors’ a hygiene award run by Newcastle City Council. This confirms what we already knew, that our kitchen has very high standards of compliance with food safety legislation. Demonstrating best practice in managing and achieving this. Well done.
