Wednesday, 26 January 2011

School Shoes

I have noticed a number of children wearing trainers and bright coloured shoes/boots in school. I would like to remind parents that in line with our school policy your child should wear suitable black shoes for school. Thank you.


Class Attendance for week ending 21st January is as follows;

Reception 93..7%

Year 1 97.3%

Year 2 96.8%

Year 3 97%

Year 4 98.3%

Year5 95.3%

Year 6 93.1%

The overall attendance for the whole school was 95.9%. Please help us improve on this figure

Our Year 4 had the highest attendance so have earned an extra playtime.
Please remember if your child is unable to attend school, please telephone the office on their first day of absence and let us know the reason why they are not in school.

Year 5 & 6 visit to Beamish

On Tuesday 15th February our Year 5 & 6 children will be visiting Beamish Museum further information will be sent out this week.

Cake Sale

Next Tuesday we will be having a cake sale in school. This is to raise funds for the De Paul UK Charity , all money raised will be taken with our Year 5 children to the Christingle Service at St. Mary’s Cathedral next Wednesday. Can we ask for donations of cakes, these should be sent in to your child’s class school on MONDAY. Your child will be able to buy a cake at breaktime on Tuesday. Cakes will be on sale at break time. Thank you for your support.

Year 5 visit to St. Mary’s Cathedral

Next Wednesday 2nd February our Year 5 children will be taking part in a Christingle Service at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Newcastle. Further information will follow.

Year 5 Parent Assembly

This Thursday is our Year 5 class assembly, our Year 5 parents are invited to join the children in class to celebrate their work in RE. Class Assembly this Thursday 27th January, beginning at 9am. We look forward to seeing you there.

Name the Asteroid

Following on from our assembly a reminder to those children who would like to take part in the ‘Name the Asteroid’ competition, the closing date is fast approaching. All entries should be sent to;

Centre for Life (Life Eureka asteroid competition), Times Square, Newcastle upon Tyne. NE1 4EP by 31st January

Hawkhirst Activity Centre - Kielder

Next Monday 31st January our Year 5 parents are invited to attend a meeting to discuss the Residential Trip to Kielder which will take place in early September. We will begin the meeting at 5p.m. in school. We have been to Kielder now for the past two years and all children who attended had a fantastic time and thoroughly enjoyed themselves, please come along and find out more!.

Parent Evenings

A reminder that our Parent Consultation Evenings are being held in school soon. Details are as follows;

Monday 7th February 3.30pm - 5.30pm

Wednesday 9th February 4.30pm - 6.30pm

A timetable is outside each classroom for you to choose your appointment time. If you have any issues or concerns you would like to discuss I will be available to speak to on both evenings.

Children's Questionnaire

Last week your child was given a questionnaire to bring home for completion. We have sent this to you because at St. Mark’s we want to make sure that we help all members of our school community to have access to the services we provide. Your views are very important to us. Could we ask that completed forms be returned to us by this Friday 28th January. Thank you.
