Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Take Care

Well, we have all settled back into school life once again!.
We still do not have a lollipop person outside our school gates, I have checked with the City Council and unfortunately they are unable to tell us when this position is likely to be filled.   I would therefore ask parents and children to be extremely careful when crossing the road at the beginning and end of the school day.

Recycle your Christmas Cards!

Don’t forget you can bring your Christmas cards into school until the end of this week.  Cards can be placed in the box situated in the school hall.

Contact Information Form


A reminder to those parents who have not yet completed their contact information form, these must be returned to school. It is imperative that the information we have regarding your child is up to date.  If you have misplaced your form, please ask for a new one.  Thank you for your support.

Can you Help?

Are you having a clear out ? If you have any unwanted games, jigsaws and dressing up clothes that could be of use to our Reception and Year 1 classes we would gladly accept these. Can we ask that these items are in good condition and that jigsaws are complete.   Thank you.

Ocarina Club

Cathy Smith our Reception class teacher will be starting her lunchtime Ocarina club this Thursday (beginning at 12.15pm).  There are 3 spaces still available, Mrs. Smith is giving any Reception children who would be interested in joining a chance to ‘have a go’.  If you think your child would be interested, please see Mrs. Smith.

PE Kit

As PE lessons are part of our school curriculum, and all children must take part, please ensure that your child has their kit in school with them for these lessons.                             

Nail Polish

It has  been brought to my attention that a number of children are wearing nail polish, this is not allowed and should be removed before your child comes into school. 

Street Dance After School Club

The first block of our after school dance sessions run by North East Dance will begin this Thursday, 19th January.  Because of the overwhelming response  we  had, we are now running 2 groups.  Your child should have brought home a form stating which group they are in. Please remember your child will need their PE kit , they should also make sure that they have their water bottle in school with them.  Parents should collect their child/ren at 4.15pm.  I am sure the children will thoroughly enjoy these sessions.

Drama and Dance Sessions

Miss Jodie Short a trainee dance teacher, will be running a short drama and dance club in school at the beginning of February.    Details are as follows;  The sessions will run for 3 consecutive nights Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 6th 7th and 8th February from 3.15pm – 4.15pm.  Only 15 places are available, these sessions are open to our Y1,2 and 3 children (boys and girls).  If your child is interested in taking part, please write a short note , mark it Drama & Dance, and hand it into the school office.  Places will be allocated on a first come basis. Children should wear their PE Kit for the sessions.

An Invite to Reception Class Parents

Reception class parents/carers are invited to come along to a meeting in school next Wednesday afternoon beginning at 2.15pm.  There are 3 items on the agenda,  further information will be sent home with your child.


Year 4 parents and carers are invited to come along and join us in a short time of worship to celebrate our current RE topic.  We look forward to seeing you next  Thursday 26th January, at 9am.

17th January 2012 Newsletter

RE Spring Term letter
Your child will be bringing home our Religious Education Spring term newsletter this week showing the work we will be doing in class throughout the term. Please read through this with your child, and share in our celebrations.
