Friday, 24 June 2011

Under 9s Football Team Success

Well done to our Under 9s football team who won the Newcastle Catholic Schools Under 9s tournament last Friday afternoon. The team were undefeated in the competition and won on goals scored after a thrilling final match against St. Alban's. Well done boys, our first football trohpy of he year!

Diary Dates

Wednesday 22nd June and Wednesday 29th June Year 6 Bike right Training

A reminder that the Bike Right team will be in school tomorrow for the first of 2 sessions. The second session will be next Wednesday 29th June.

5th July - Year 6 Leavers Mass . St. Mary’s Cathedral. Further information will follow.

7th and 15th July Year 5 & 6 trips Our Year 5 and 6 children will be out of school on the above dates. On Thursday 7th July they will be taking a walk along Newcastle Quayside. On 15th July the children will be having a guided tour of the Ouseburn area of Newcastle. These visits follow on from topic work the children are currently working on. Further information will follow.

Moving Up Day - Wednesday 6th July Our children will be visiting their new classrooms and meeting their new teachers. We will also be welcoming our new Reception children who will also be in school for their class visit. Year 6 children who are transferring to St. Cuthbert’s, Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s High schools will be visiting their new schools.

Tuesday 12th July Sports day and Summer Fayre. Further information to follow soon.

Reports to Parents. These will be sent out on Friday 15th July.

Parents Evening Monday 18th July. Further details will follow.

Friday 22nd July. Year 6 Leavers Service . Our leavers service will begin at 9am.

School will break up for the Summer break.

We will return to school on Tuesday 6th September. Monday 5th is a Teacher .Training Day

Summer Fayre

In order that our Summer Fayre can take place this year, we urgently need more help . If any parents, grandparents or friends of St. Mark’s have any time to spare to help organise or help out on the day please leave your name at the office. Thank you for your support.

Kielder Residential Visit

The final deposit for the trip to Kielder is due this Friday 24th June.  Could we ask that payment be sent into the school office.  Cheques should be made payable to ‘Newcastle City Council’ Thank you.


It has been brought to my attention that head lice are once again in school. Could I ask parents to check their child’s hair regularly. If head lice are found, please treat your child’s hair accordingly along with the rest of the family making sure it is clear before they come into school. Thank you.

Northern Saints Exhibition

I would like to pass on thanks to our children and staff who worked so hard organising our Northern Saints Exhibition. Thank you to the many parents who came along on Friday and for all the positive feedback we received. I would also like to thank Julian Hughes from ICT Services who worked with us throughout our Creativity week and has put together a fantastic DVD showing some of the many highlights from the week. We will let you know as soon as you are able to purchase copies of this DVD so look out for further information.

IMPORTANT NOTICE- Strike Action 30th June

As you will have seen in the press, on 30th June, there will be Strike action taking place which will affect many public sector workers. As teaching unions are involved in this action St. Mark’s will be closed to children and teaching staff next Thursday. I myself will be in school on that day and reviews planned for that day will still go ahead. Because school is closed we have unfortunately had to cancel our Year4 Cycling Proficiency training. This will take place at a later date. We will keep you informed.
