Thursday, 14 January 2010

School Closing In Bad Weather

At last school is back to ‘normal’ after the atrocious weather conditions last week. The decision to close school on Thursday was not taken lightly. It was felt that because of the predicted weather forecast for Wednesday Evening and Thursday some of our teaching staff and children would not be able to make it into school. When we came back on Friday a lot of staff got stuck in the snow outside school! I would like to thank parents for their patience and understanding. Should we be faced with this situation again information will be posted here on our blog as soon as we have it.
Updated Messages will also be left on our school answerphone.

During this weather when children are wearing their wellingtons and boots to come to school, can I ask that children bring their school shoes to change into.

Thank you.
Mrs Alison Miller

PE Kits

Can I once again remind parents that PE Kits must be brought into school each Monday. There are still a number of children who are coming to school without their kit. Parents will be contacted should their child not have their kit in school with them.

Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

Shared Worship

Parents are invited to join their child’s class to celebrate their work in Religious Education.

Each class will have a shared celebration, Year 6 got the ball rolling this morning with a beautiful assembly about Special People. The full list of dates is below- if there are any changes class teachers will let you know.

Year 6 Thursday 14th January

Year 2 Thursday 11th February

Year 5 Thursday 4th March

Year 1 Thursday 18th March

Reception Thursday 29th April

Year 4 Thursday 27th May

Year 3 Thursday 24th June

All assemblies will begin at 9a.m.

Paretns E Safety Session

Friday January 22nd 1.30pm - 3.15pm

Parents are invited to come along to school for a Free session regarding Internet Safety and to find out more about the ‘Online world’. We'll be talking about the internet, online gaming and how to help keep yourchildren safe online.

Football Off After School

We've just heard that the two football matches we were due to play at Walbottle after school have been called off and will be played at a further date when the weather turns better.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

School Is Open On Monday 11th January 2010

A few people have been in touch through the blog to ask if school is open tomorrow, Monday 11th January. School is open, the worst of the weather seems to be past now, so it's back to normal.
