Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Year 3 Centre For Life

On Thursday 3rd March, we are hoping to take our Year 3 children to the Centre for Life in Newcastle where they will take part in two exciting workshops. Further information will follow.

Half Term Dates

Our February Half term holiday will be from Monday 21st February to Friday 25th February. School will re-open on Monday 28th.

Year 3 Skipping Festival

Following on from skipping sessions in our PE lesson, on Wednesday 16th February, our Year 3 children will be taking part in a Skipping Festival at Westgate Centre for Sport. Further information will follow.

Year 1 Assembly For Parents

Our Year I parents are invited to join the children in class to celebrate their work in RE. Please try and come along, we look forward to seeing you there.

Cake Sale

Thank you to all those parents who kindly sent in cakes for our cake stall today. We will let you know how much money was raised in next weeks newsletter. The money will be taken with our Year 5 children to The Christingle Service they are attending at St. Mary’s Cathedral tomorrow and donated to the DePaul UK charity. Thank you for your support.


On Tuesday 15th February our Year 5 & 6 children will be visiting Beamish Museum . If you have not already sent in your reply slip regarding packed lunches could you please do so by this Friday 4th February. Thank you.

2011/ 2012 Holiday Dates

A number of parents have been asking for holiday dates for the next academic year. Before we can send out our holiday lists these need to go before our Governing Body for approval. We will be meeting shortly and holiday dates will be sent out before half term.

Football Training

Your child will have brought a letter home from Mr. Wood last week regarding football training for our KS2 children, details are as follows;

Tuesdays Under 11 girls

Wednesdays Under 9 boys

Thursdays Under 11 boys

These sessions will begin at 3.15pm and finish at 4.30pm. If your child is taking part please make sure they have their kit with them. We are restricted to the number of children who can take part in the training as it is being held indoors for the moment.

Tots to Teams

We have received a letter from our uniform supplier Tots to Teams notifying us that they have unfortunately had to increased their prices. This is because of a reduced level of cotton stocks, which has had a huge affect on the cost of buying cotton. They have assured us that they will endeavour to keep all price changes to a minimum.

Key Stage 1 Football

Mr. Wood has asked us to inform KS1 parents that there will be no after school football training until further notice.

Parent Meetings

Monday 7th February 3.30pm - 5.30pm

Wednesday 9th February 4.30pm - 6.30pm

If you have not yet made your appointment a timetable is outside each classroom for you to choose your appointment time. If you have any issues or concerns you would like to discuss I will be available to speak to on both evenings. It is extremely important that parents attend as you will be given an update on your child’s progress and the targets which have been set for them.
