Tuesday, 6 December 2011


Below are the Attendance figures for last week.  
Reception                                   96.6%
Year 1                                        96%
Year 2                                        97.1%
Year 3                                        99.3%
Year 4                                        98.2%
Year 5                                        99.2%
Year 6                                        98.6%
The overall school attendance was a brilliant 97.8%.  Well done to our Year 3 class who once again had the highest attendance, and have earned an extra playtime. 

Mrs Thompson

This Thursday we will be saying  farewell to our Year 3 teacher Mrs. Thompson who will be leaving us to begin her maternity leave.  I am sure you will join me in wishing her well.  We will of course keep you in formed and let you know when the baby arrives.   Good luck Mrs. Thompson we will miss you!


We mentioned on last week’s newsletter that we were re-applying for our Green Flag Status, well I am delighted to inform you that after an Eco inspection last week we have once again been awarded our ‘Green Flag’. 

Year4 Reconciliation Liturgy

Year 4 parents are invited to join us on Tuesday 13th December at 9am (and not 12th as stated on the invitation) to celebrate our children’s work on reconciliation.   We look forward to seeing you then.                    

Incredible Years Parent Course

Those parents who usually attend the above course at Cheviot School with Caroline Slack each Thursday are reminded that for the next few weeks the course will take place here at St. Mark’s.  

Family Craft Club

A reminder to those families who attend the family craft club with Caroline Slack, the second session will be on again tomorrow Wednesday 7th the last session will be held next Wednesday14th  December.

Healthy Packed Lunches

At St. Mark’s we pride ourselves on actively promoting a Healthy Lifestyle.  I have however noticed that some children who take a packed lunch are bringing chocolate bars into school as part of their lunch.  To support our teaching on healthy lifestyle can I ask that no chocolate bars, sweets or fizzy drinks are sent in.  We will be monitoring this closely. Thank you for your support.

Parking Issues

I am sad to have to report that once again I have received a letter of complaint from one of our neighbouring residents regarding inappropriate parking at the beginning and end of the day school. 
I would ask once again, that when dropping off/collecting your child that you do so with due care and consideration for our children and neighbours.  Your support is greatly appreciated in this matter.

Unclaimed raffle prizes

There are still a number of prizes which have not yet been claimed.  If you have any of the following winning tickets please bring them along to the school office to collect your prize.  Details are as follows;            Adult Raffle                                                                                                                           Green Ticket 166-170  Pink Ticket 326 - 330  Pink 21-25  White 281-285                                                                                                                                                            Childrens Raffle  – Orange tickets  
71-75           346-350      166-170                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Blue Tickets                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
251-255         331-335       451- 455    116 - 120

Newsletter 6th December 2011

Dear Parent/Carer 
A huge thank you to everyone who was able to come along to our Christmas Fayre last Friday.  The total amount of money raised was a fantastic £786.30. 
I would like to pass on sincere thanks to the many parents who handed out donation letters to local companies and businesses.  I would also like to say thank you to the parents who generously gave up their time to help set up and organise the Fayre, and to those parents who donated some fantastic prizes for our raffles.   Thank you for your continued support, without  your help we simply could not run events like this.
