On behalf of the Friends of St. Mark’s, I would like to thank those parents who were able to come along to the Friends of St Mark’s meeting last week. Your support , I know is greatly appreciated.
The Friends of St. Mark’s have now confirmed the date for our Christmas Fayre which will be held on Friday 2nd December. Could we therefore ask for donations of the following please;
Sweets, and Confectionery, Teddies, Christmas Themed gifts, Toys, (these must be in good condition) bottles, these can be any sort of bottles pop, alcohol, shampoo etc.,
Wrapping paper, decorations, baskets and boxes for making up our hampers.
We will also be having a cake stall on the day, so if anyone would like to bring in cakes could they do so on the morning of the fayre.
All donations should be sent into school by Friday 25th November so that all items can be sorted in time for our Fayre. If you know of any company or business who you think would donate a prize or make a donation to our Christmas Fayre please call into the office and collect a Friends of St. Mark’s donation letter.
Thank you in anticipation of your support.