Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Raffle Prizes

There are still a number of prizes which have not yet been claimed from our Christmas Fayre.  If you have any of the following winning tickets please bring them along to the school office to collect your prize.  Details are as follows;   
Pink 326-330
Pink 21-25
Orange 71-75
Orange 346-350
Orange 166-170
Blue 251-255       

Lolipop Lady

We have been informed by the City Council that at present there will be no Lollipop Lady outside the school gates.  Could  we therefore ask that parents and children  take extra care when crossing the road.  Could we ask parents speak to their children to remind them that there is a crossing further up towards Farne School where they can cross safely.   There may be no quick solution to this problem as we have been told that there is a shortage of patrol crossing staff.   If anyone is interested in becoming a patrol crossing person, please let us know and we will put you in touch with the correct department.

September 2012 Reception Applications

If you have a child who is due to start Reception class next September, the deadline is fast approaching. The closing date is midnight on 15th January 2012.  Late applications could result in you not being offered the first choice of school for your child.

Dinner Money

As we are only at school for 3 days next week, dinner money will be £5.70.  All money must come in on Monday morning.  Thank you for your support.

Dinner Money

As we are only at school for 3 days next week, dinner money will be £5.70.  All money must come in on Monday morning.  Thank you for your support.

Incredible Years Course

A reminder that the Incredible Years course with Caroline Slack will not take place this week.  This will return again on Thursday 12th January and once again will be held at St. Mark’s.                                              

Year 3 & 4 Carol Singing

Our Year 3 & 4 children are going to be really busy this week and next.  They have been invited to sing at local nursing homes in Westerhope this Thursday morning and next Monday afternoon.  Our children will be walking to these venues so please ensure that they are wearing a warm coat/jacket.                                                  

Our Christmas Parties will be held in the  afternoon on the following dates; 
Friday 16th Year 3 & 4 

Monday 19th Year 5 & 6

Tuesday 20th  Reception Year 1 and Year 2                                                                                                                           

Your child may come to school wearing their party clothes.  All food will be provided by school.

Journey to Bethlehem - Tuesday 20th December at 5pm

On Tuesday 20th December, our Year 3 & 4 children will be singing Carols in  our school garden. Parents are invited to come along and join us. We will start at 5pm.   Mulled wine and mince pies will be served afterwards.                                                        

Christmas Carol Service

Parents are invited to come along to our Christmas Service in school next Wednesday morning at 9am.  Please come along we look forward to seeing you.
As you know next Wednesday school will close for our Christmas break.  School will close at the usual time of 3.15pm.   Parents who would like to collect their child early may do so any time after1pm.  The children will go into class as usual for registration after the lunchtime bell rings at 1pm.Can I therefore ask that parents remain outside the school gates until after the children come into school.  Thank you.

Mrs Thompson

Mrs Thompson has asked us to pass on sincere thanks for all the lovely presents, cards and good wishes she received from parents and children last week.
We will let you know as soon as the new baby arrives.

13th December 2011 Newsletter

Northern Rock Street Sale
You may remember during our recent  Enterprise Week our Year 5 & 6 children made some fabulous Christmas gift sets.  Last week some of our children were  invited to sell some of their goodies at  Street sale within The Northern Rock headquarters,  the children were fantastic ambassadors for St. Mark’s and on the day made an incredible £226.30.  Well done!

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


Below are the Attendance figures for last week.  
Reception                                   96.6%
Year 1                                        96%
Year 2                                        97.1%
Year 3                                        99.3%
Year 4                                        98.2%
Year 5                                        99.2%
Year 6                                        98.6%
The overall school attendance was a brilliant 97.8%.  Well done to our Year 3 class who once again had the highest attendance, and have earned an extra playtime. 

Mrs Thompson

This Thursday we will be saying  farewell to our Year 3 teacher Mrs. Thompson who will be leaving us to begin her maternity leave.  I am sure you will join me in wishing her well.  We will of course keep you in formed and let you know when the baby arrives.   Good luck Mrs. Thompson we will miss you!


We mentioned on last week’s newsletter that we were re-applying for our Green Flag Status, well I am delighted to inform you that after an Eco inspection last week we have once again been awarded our ‘Green Flag’. 

Year4 Reconciliation Liturgy

Year 4 parents are invited to join us on Tuesday 13th December at 9am (and not 12th as stated on the invitation) to celebrate our children’s work on reconciliation.   We look forward to seeing you then.                    

Incredible Years Parent Course

Those parents who usually attend the above course at Cheviot School with Caroline Slack each Thursday are reminded that for the next few weeks the course will take place here at St. Mark’s.  

Family Craft Club

A reminder to those families who attend the family craft club with Caroline Slack, the second session will be on again tomorrow Wednesday 7th the last session will be held next Wednesday14th  December.

Healthy Packed Lunches

At St. Mark’s we pride ourselves on actively promoting a Healthy Lifestyle.  I have however noticed that some children who take a packed lunch are bringing chocolate bars into school as part of their lunch.  To support our teaching on healthy lifestyle can I ask that no chocolate bars, sweets or fizzy drinks are sent in.  We will be monitoring this closely. Thank you for your support.

Parking Issues

I am sad to have to report that once again I have received a letter of complaint from one of our neighbouring residents regarding inappropriate parking at the beginning and end of the day school. 
I would ask once again, that when dropping off/collecting your child that you do so with due care and consideration for our children and neighbours.  Your support is greatly appreciated in this matter.

Unclaimed raffle prizes

There are still a number of prizes which have not yet been claimed.  If you have any of the following winning tickets please bring them along to the school office to collect your prize.  Details are as follows;            Adult Raffle                                                                                                                           Green Ticket 166-170  Pink Ticket 326 - 330  Pink 21-25  White 281-285                                                                                                                                                            Childrens Raffle  – Orange tickets  
71-75           346-350      166-170                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Blue Tickets                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
251-255         331-335       451- 455    116 - 120

Newsletter 6th December 2011

Dear Parent/Carer 
A huge thank you to everyone who was able to come along to our Christmas Fayre last Friday.  The total amount of money raised was a fantastic £786.30. 
I would like to pass on sincere thanks to the many parents who handed out donation letters to local companies and businesses.  I would also like to say thank you to the parents who generously gave up their time to help set up and organise the Fayre, and to those parents who donated some fantastic prizes for our raffles.   Thank you for your continued support, without  your help we simply could not run events like this.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Family Craft Sessions

Because school is closed tomorrow, Caroline Slack will be holding her remaining two family craft club sessions on Wednesday 7th and 14th  December.

Carol Singing

Our Year 3 & 4 children are going to be really busy over the next couple of weeks.  They will be visiting two of our local Nursing Homes to sing for the residents.  Details are as follows;
Thursday morning15th December  at Wheatfield Court and Sovereign Court Nursing Homes.
Monday afternoon19th December at     Sovereign Lodge Nursing home.                 
Further information will be sent home with your child nearer the time.                                   

Christmas Plays

Christmas Plays                                                                                                           A letter giving further information regarding plays and tickets will be coming home with your child this week.                                                            
Reception, Y1 & 2  Tuesday 13th December at 2pm and Thursday 15th December 9.30am
KS2 (Year s 5&6)  Wednesday 14th December 2pm & Thursday 15th December 6pm.                                                                 

Evening Carol Service 5pm - 20th December

Further information will follow  soon regarding our evening Carol Service.
School will break up on Wednesday 21st December for the Christmas break, and will reopen on Monday 9th January 2012

Christmas Fayre

I would once again like to thank you all for the tremendous support shown in the run up to our Christmas Fayre.  Through donations and your generosity there are some great prizes to be won in our raffles. 
                                                                                                                                                                               Raffle tickets are being sold this week on the school yard.     
As you know our Fayre will begin at 1.15pm this Friday afternoon.    The children will go into class as usual for registration, after the lunchtime bell rings at 1pm.  Can I therefore ask that parents do not arrive to school before 1pm.   After registration you will then be able to collect your child from their classroom and take them into the Fayre.                                                                                                                                                Anyone who would like to donate cakes are asked to bring these in on Friday morning.

Could those  parents who have volunteered to help out  come into school as early as possible on Friday (late morning if possible). Once again thank you all for your support.

Street Dance

This Thursday  is the last week of our Street Dancing Club, parents of those children  have attended each week are invited to come along at 4pm to see a short performance by the children.
We intend to start a KS1 after school Dance club after the Christmas Break, more information will follow in January.

Silver Stars

This week we are writing names on silver stars to remember loved ones who have died.  They will hang on our Christmas Tree.  Please chat to your child about the people you would like to remember as a family.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Please Remember

We have received some sad news today regarding a former employee of St. Mark’s, Mrs Joan Daly who passed away yesterday. 
Many parents and grandparents will, I am sure remember Mrs. Daly who worked as aTeaching Assistant in school for many years.  She was a kind, considerate and caring person with a huge personality and loved working with our children.  We will always remember her as a valuable and loved member of our Community.
Please keep her in your thoughts and say a prayer for those she has left behind.
‘May she Rest in Peace’


St. Mark’s is ‘Going for Green’ as we re-apply for our Green Flag Status.
Keep checking back to see how we are doing.

Switch Off Fortnight

Join the pod campaign to reduce energy usage.

In school we are switching off projectors in each of our seven classrooms every lunchtime, this will save a grand total of 35hours of electricity each week.

See the top scoring classes on our Eco notice board.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Newsletter 22nd November 2011


I can now confirm that due to widespread Industrial Action taking place on Wednesday 30th November, St. Mark's will be closed.

I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and will, of course keep you informed should the situation change.  School will re-open as usual on Thursday 1st December.

Mrs. Thomson Year 3 Teacher

As you know Mrs. Thomson is leaving us to begin her maternity leave.  The date for leaving has now been brought forward, and her last day in school will be Thursday 8th December.  I am sure you will join the staff and myself in wishing her the very best of luck.  We will of course keep you posted and let you know when baby arrives.                                                

Christmas Fayre -2nd December from 1.15pm onwards.

I would like to say ‘Thank you’ to those parents who have handed donation letters out to businesses in the area, and  to everyone who has already sent  in donations for our Christmas Fayre, please keep them coming!  Below is a reminder of the items The Friends of St. Mark’s have asked for;                           Sweets, and Confectionery, Teddies, Christmas Themed goods, Toys, (these must be in good condition)Bottles, this can be any sort of bottle, eg pop, alcohol, shampoo etc., all will be greatly received. Good quality toys.  We will also be having a cake stall on the day.  (Cakes should be brought in on Friday morning 2nd December).                                                                                                                                    Boxes and baskets that would make a good hamper, wrapping paper to decorate them.  Can we ask that all items be into school by this Friday, so that everything can be sorted and prepared for the Fayre on 2nd December.                                                                                                                                            Thank you for your continued support.

St. Mark’s Book of Remembrance

Our book of remembrance will remain open until the end of the month, if you would like to make an entry, the book is situated outside the school office.


Next Monday, Mr. Jason Cochrane will be visiting us to meet our children and spend the day in school.  Mr. Cochrane will be joining our team in January as Assistant Head Teacher. 

Child Pedestrian Training Wednesday 23rd November Y3 & 5

Each year we have Child Pedestrian training in school.  Tomorrow (Wednesday) our Year 3 & 5 children will be visited by members of Newcastle City Council Road Safety Team, who will be giving advice and information on how to stay safe crossing the road etc.  Part of the lesson will be taken on the roads outside our school, so please make sure that your child has their coat with them.  The children will be accompanied at all times.

Thursday 24th November Y5 Assembly for Parents

A reminder to our Year 5 parents, you are invited to attend a Class Assembly, this Thursday, beginning at 9am.  We look forward to seeing you.

Christmas Plays

Reception, Y1 & 2  Tuesday 13th December at 2pm and Thursday 15th December 9.30am                     
KS2 (Year s 5&6)  Wednesday 14th December 2pm & Thursday 15th December 6pm.                                                                                                                                                                         Further information will follow.

Our Christmas Parties will be held in the afternoon on the following dates;
Friday 16th December  Y3 & 4                                                                              Monday 19th                  Y5 & 6                                                                        Tuesday 20th      Reception, Y1 & 2                 
Your child may come to school wearing their party clothes.  All food will be provided by school.
School will break up on Wednesday 21st December for the Christmas break, and will reopen on Monday 9th January 2012


Below are the Attendance figures for last week.  
Reception                                   95.6%
Year 1                                        97.5%
Year 2                                        97.7%
Year 3                                        95.8%
Year 4                                        94.7%
Year 5                                        94.8%
Year 6                                        96.1%
The overall school attendance was 96%.  Please help us to maintain and exceed this figure.  Well done to our Year 2 class who had the highest attendance, and have earned an extra playtime.                                         

Non Uniform Day

Thank you to everyone who took part in our non uniform day last Friday.  All money raised will be given to the Friends of St. Mark’s and will go towards our Christmas Fayre.                                                           

Thank you

Cathy Smith has asked me to pass on thanks to those reception class parents who were able to come along to our Stay and Play session last week.  I hope you all enjoyed yourselves, and have gained an insight into how your child can learn through play.                                                    

St. Wilfred's C of E Church Christmas Fayre

St. Wilfrid’s Church situated on Trevelyan Drive are holding their Christmas Fayre this Saturday 26th November.  The Reverend Sarah Miller will be pleased to see you there.                                                                       

After School Football Training with Mr. Wood

Mr. Wood has decided that this week will be the last week for his after school Football training sessions. Tomorrow’s session for the under 9s will finish at 4.15pm.   We hope to begin these again after our February half term.  Good luck to our under 11 team who are playing their last match of the year at Walbottle Campus this Thursday.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011


Whilst it appears very likely that industrial action will go ahead on 30th November, there are still some last minute discussions taking place.  We will update you as we receive details.                                                                 

PE Kits

It has once again been brought to my attention that a number of children are still not bringing their PE kits into school.  May I remind parents that PE is part of the national curriculum and every child must take part.   Kits should be brought into school each Monday morning and taken home each Friday for washing.  Parents whose children do not have their kit in school will be contacted and asked to bring this to school.

Photograph Orders

A reminder that all orders for school photographs must be returned to school by this Friday 18th November, to enable these to be returned in time for Christmas.  


Below are the Attendance figures for last week . 
Reception                                 89.8%
Year 1                                        98.6%
Year 2                                        97.3%
Year 3                                        97.4%
Year 4                                        93.3%
Year 5                                        98.1%
Year 6                                        96.7%
The overall school attendance was 95.7%.  Please help us to maintain and exceed this figure.  Well done to our Year 1 class who had the highest attendance, and have earned an extra playtime. 

Christmas Lunch

Our cook Mrs. Elliott has now been given the numbers for Christmas Lunches.  Any child who is normally a packed lunch and who has ordered a Christmas Lunch has been included in the numbers.

Wanted; Mini Pringle containers

Our Year 4 class need mini Pringles crisp containers complete with lids for design work in class, if you have any, please hand them in to Y4.   Thank you.

Parent and Children Craft Sessions

Our Parent Support Advisor Caroline Slack will be running a Family Christmas Craft Club, which will run on a Wednesday for 3 weeks beginning next Wednesday 23rd November,  places are limited, so if you would like to come along and be creative with your child please write a short note, with your child/children's names and hand it in to the office.  Places will be allocated on a first come basis.   The sessions will run from 3.15pm until 4.30pm. There is no charge for these sessions.

Thursday 24th November - Y5 Assembly for Parents

Our Year 5 parents are invited to attend a Class Assembly.  This will begin at 9am.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Wednesday 16th November Reception Class Stay and Play 1pm

A reminder to our Reception Class parents, you are invited to come and spend the afternoon in school tomorrow , where you can find out how your child learns through play.  We look forward to seeing you then.

Thank you

On behalf of the Friends of St. Mark’s, I would like to thank those parents who were able to come along to the Friends of St Mark’s meeting last week. Your support , I know is greatly appreciated.
The Friends of St. Mark’s have now confirmed the date for our Christmas Fayre which will be held on Friday 2nd December.  Could we therefore ask for donations of the following please;                                                           
Sweets, and Confectionery, Teddies, Christmas Themed gifts, Toys, (these must be in good condition) bottles,  these can be any sort of bottles pop, alcohol, shampoo etc.,
Wrapping paper, decorations, baskets and boxes for making up  our hampers.
We will also be having a cake stall on the day, so if anyone would like to bring in cakes could they do so on the morning of the fayre.
All donations should be sent into school by Friday 25th November so that all items can be sorted in time for our Fayre.  If you know of any company or business who you think would donate a prize or make a donation to our Christmas Fayre please call into the office and collect a Friends of St. Mark’s donation letter.
Thank you in anticipation of your support.

Newsletter 15th November 2011

St. Mark’s Book of Remembrance
If you have lost a loved one, friend or family, we invite parents to come into school and make an entry in our Book of Remembrance.  Our book is situated outside the school office, and will remain open until the end of the month.                                                                                                                                                                As long as those we have loved are remembered.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          As long as we hold their memory close to our hearts.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           They are still with us.  

Friday, 11 November 2011


I am sure you have read in the press that discussions have been taking place regarding proposed Industrial Strike Action which may take place  on 30th November. At present I am unable to confirm whether or not St. Mark’s will be affected.  I will however keep you informed.

Reception 2012 Applications

If you have a child who is due to start Reception Class next September.  A reminder that your application should be completed by January 15th 2012.  Late applications could result in you not being offered your first school choice.


Below are the Attendance figures for last week . 
Reception                                 92.6%
Year 1                                        93.5%
Year 2                                        98.7%
Year 3                                        93%
Year 4                                        93.7%
Year 5                                        98.7%
Year 6                                        96.7%
The overall school attendance was 95.3%.  Please help us to maintain and exceed this figure.  Well done to our Year 2 and Year 5 classes who had the highest attendance, and have earned an extra playtime. 

Free School Meals

Your child will have brought home a letter regarding the uptake of free school meals.
Are you entitled?  We have written to you to ensure that those parents who are entitled to apply for free school meals for their child, have the option to do so. Even if your child is entitled, but prefers to bring a packed lunch to school, please support us by applying.  Schools receive funding in many ways one of which takes into account the number of free school meals which have been applied for.  It is therefore important to us that you support us by applying.
If you would like further information, or would like to collect an application form, please call into the school office. 

Football Sessions with Mr. Wood

Mr. Wood has informed us that  after school football sessions will run until the  end of this month, then break for the winter.  If in the meantime the weather is poor, and sessions need to be cancelled then we will inform you via txt.  

Dates for your Diary

Wednesday 16th November                                                                                                           Reception Class Stay and Play  1pm                                                                      Reception parents are invited to come and spend the afternoon in school next Wednesday afternoon.  You can find out how your child learns through play.  We look forward to seeing you then.
Thursday 24th November                                                                                                                Y5 Assembly for Parents
Our Year 5 parents are invited to attend a Class Assembly.  This will begin at 9am.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Christmas Lunch Reminder

A reminder to those children who currently bring a packed lunch to school but would like a Christmas Lunch on Wednesday 14th December, (this also applies to those children in receipt of free school meals who have a packed lunch) that names and payment of £1.90  should be handed in to the school office by this Friday 11th November.  (No payment is required for those children in receipt of free meals)
Unfortunately we are unable to take names after the cut off date as our cook Mrs Elliott needs to pre order Christmas food and have dinner numbers well in advance.
