Tuesday, 7 September 2010

After School Dance Class

Last term we informed you about a dance club beginning through “Free Motion Dance Company”. Initially we were told that there would be no charge for these classes. However, unfortunately funding for this has now been withdrawn. There will therefore be a cost for these sessions. We need to establish how many children would be interested in joining, to determine whether or not this will now go ahead and how much this would cost each week. Details are as follows;

The club will run each Monday 3.15pm until 4.15pm beginning Monday 13th September through to Easter for our KS2 children (Years 3,4 5 & 6), boys and girls. 25 places are available.

If your child would like to take part, please write a short note giving permission and hand it in to the office. (This also applies to those parents who had already left their child’s name at the office). Please hand this in by Thursday. Places will be allocated on a first come basis. Can we ask that all children who sign up for this class attend each week as the children will be performing in school.

After Easter our KS1 children will have the opportunity to join.

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