Tuesday, 21 December 2010

End Of Year Thanks!

Dear Parents/Carers

Well here we are, the end of another term and another year.

We have had another fantastic year at St. Mark’s. I would like to pass on sincere thanks to all our staff for their hard work, the parent helpers and friends of St. Marks who have so generously given up their time to come into school to help. A special thank you also to our children for all their hard work throughout the year.

Thank you to all those parents who came along to watch the children perform in their plays last week. I am sure you will agree both the staff and the children worked really hard, but their hard work certainly paid off. The performances were brilliant. Well done.

As you know we collected for St. Cuthbert’s Care at the end of each performance. The total amount donated was £157.08. Thank you.

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