Monday, 17 January 2011

New Year Attendance and Punctuality;

As mentioned in previous Newsletters we will be closely monitoring both attendance and punctuality throughout this year. Getting your child into school on time is extremely important, children who are late are often anxious about going into their class and may have missed important information regarding what is happening throughout the day. Your support in getting your child into school is vital. If you know your child is going to be late for whatever reason, could you please let us know. If your child is absent due to illness please let the school office know on their first day of absence.

Next week we will once again let you know the weekly class attendance figures. The week has started off brilliantly with almost everyone in school.

Can I ask that all children use their own entrance door when coming into school each morning. With the exception of our Reception class, unless your child is a morning helper no children should be in school before the bell goes at 8.50am. However, if the weather is extreme ,children will be allowed in before the bell goes.

Thank you for your support.

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