Friday, 11 November 2011


Dear Parent/Carer

This Thursday morning the Friends of St. Mark’s will be holding a meeting in school to discuss the future of the group.  The meeting will begin at 9am. 
As I am sure you are aware, the Friends of St. Mark’s do a fantastic job ,organising and running events in school,  without them these  simply could not take place!  All money raised by The Friends of St. Mark’s comes back into school and is used to subsidise trips and other events in and out of school for our children. 
They urgently need more help, as numbers of volunteers have dropped dramatically.  Without new members unfortunately the group will have no alternative but to cease.
You could make a difference!   We are not asking for help every day or every week.  Over the academic year we may ask for 10/15hours of your time . 
Please come along on Thursday and support us. Thank you.

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